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Battle for Middle Earth 2

Elves V İsengard Really Really Fun Game WP!

#1Ahwehawe  Apr 6 2018, 15:43 PM -
Replays: 25
Ahwehawe|T(me) xD Versus local. Really close game wink.gif Wp WP
#2SN0WBL4CK  Apr 7 2018, 10:56 AM -
Replays: 17 Game:
OMG lol so frustrating to watch. Its like you lost on purpose. If you only had not tell bombadil to attack units instead of fort you would have taken the fort down and won the game.

I think you could have used eagles better. You summoned them to counter 2 groups of corsairs, its a waste. You played well early to midgame. After u couldnt finish the fort u started to lose.

Good game to watch, with a frustrating turn of events.
#3Ahwehawe  Apr 7 2018, 17:08 PM -
Replays: 25
Both of us made mistakes but ı suppose my mistakes were bigger. Yes it was fun to play too.
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