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Battle for Middle Earth 2

This is how elves deal with all mordor heroes

#1SeñorEcthelion  Feb 24 2021, 04:37 AM -

Replays: 526 Game:
Replay token from a clanwars.cc auto report.
Aparently Boromir was mad how he got rekt by a elf whose only heroes were Haldir, Arwen and Glorfindel vss 3 Blackriders, MoS and WK.

I 'd like to dedicate this replay to Sauron & Thorin.
#2SCloud  Feb 26 2021, 16:26 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
you forgot thranduil...and the hero-esque figures: eagle and treebeard tongue.gif sad...no grond.
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