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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

A good 3v3 on Dagorland.

#1gameovais  Oct 31 2009, 15:49 PM -
Replays: 12 Game:
The following conditions are now officially true. Luminousity was on the phone for 23 mins, Mith was having a conversation with Martin in PM, Jbee was complaining that the map was depressing and it was disturbing his concentration, I went to the toilet 4 times during the game and one of them was for a number 2 and last but not least Freesoul and Intrinsic were discussing make up.

It all made for a fun game, enjoy guys.
#2FreeSouL`  Oct 31 2009, 17:39 PM -
Replays: 29 Game:
yea good game all, it worths to watch
#3JB  Nov 2 2009, 03:36 AM -
Replays: 32 Game:
The following conditions are now officially true. Luminousity was on the phone for 23 mins, Mith was having a conversation with Martin in PM, Jbee was complaining that the map was depressing and it was disturbing his concentration, I went to the toilet 4 times during the game and one of them was for a number 2 and last but not least Freesoul and Intrinsic were discussing make up.

It all made for a fun game, enjoy guys.

actually i complained about my faction! i dont enjoy and cant play motw! but turned into interesting game!
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