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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

4V4 Epic

#1gameovais  Aug 31 2009, 17:43 PM -
Replays: 12 Game:
I thoroughly enjoyed this game as did the other 7 players.
#2coopie  Sep 1 2009, 18:21 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
very fun game to watch. two rank 9 haldirs ftw!! and mart u had some pro builder micro lol.
#3JB  Sep 3 2009, 13:02 PM -
Replays: 32 Game:
lmao.....i remember this game!! had to download and watch it! so much action (non stop)with a bit of pretty much everything imo but funniest for me was when martin used corrode allegiance on my second balrog taking control of it briefly tongue.gif
was a grueling battle and could hav gone either was up to last 10 mins i feel but gj mates good team work!
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