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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

Trying to break through op Mordor with Men.

#1VoluptuousUdders  Sep 20 2018, 03:02 AM -

Replays: 12 Game:
Me - Men
BabyChucky - Men
RD - Mordor
Fuzz - Isengard

Mordor is one, if not the strongest faction on 1.06, and preventing them from sending corsairs around the map and obliterating your forces with nazgul and forged blades can be a pain. Luckily, making good use of cavalry, proper boromir horns and his hero knockback potential can turn the tides of battle, but even then you can be pushed back like in this game. Take a look if you're losing this match up or if you're a couch potato with too much free time.
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