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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

[R] minorca vs bla

#1minorca  Feb 26 2008, 18:28 PM -
mordor mirror


Starting positions:
[HoP]LitLeMiNo/mordor - West
BlackBog/Mordor - East

Version: 1.6


A short game not all that interesting one mordor attacking the other camping.

[HoP]Littlemino (mordor) /Team1

You creeped well then noticed he was builing towers and got corsairs to deal with it, a easy win for you.

BlackDog (Mordor) /Team2

At the begging it looked like you were gonna do great, but then you build towers and it went downhill from there. Its better to attack then wait for him to kill you.
Points of Improvement: [list]
[*]Dont build towers instead build corsairs and attack
Overall Rating: 3
This post has been edited by kingender: Mar 8 2008, 23:14 PM
#2kingender  Mar 4 2008, 20:42 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
will take this one also
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