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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

2v2 close game, good players

#1VoluptuousUdders  Nov 19 2018, 01:25 AM -

Replays: 12 Game:
A nice match between some older players. Reinach returned to play a game and he is still a stronk player even after a break. Have fun watching.

Farmer (me) - Isen
Tempt - Isen

Daryl - Mordor
Reinach - Goblins
#2DeeZ Daryl  Nov 19 2018, 12:03 PM -

Replays: 6 Game:
Dragonstrike needs a buff
Edit: Good game tho
#3VoluptuousUdders  Nov 20 2018, 00:43 AM -

Replays: 12 Game:
It's pretty broken but I like the gameplay regardless
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