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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

Hero Action (2) Elves vs Gobs

#11Sean`  Jan 17 2010, 21:01 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
When did you play this one Mith? I'm guessing it wasn't on QM? I shall watch.

By the way, the replay freezing...it happens to me but mostly on the BTP, same for Darkman. No way to fix it and no one knows what it is. This is on vista.
This post has been edited by Sean`: Jan 17 2010, 21:04 PM
#12Mithandrir  Jan 18 2010, 15:11 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
When did you play this one Mith? I'm guessing it wasn't on QM? I shall watch.

It´s older than 1,5 years...it was open game.


By the way, the replay freezing...it happens to me but mostly on the BTP, same for Darkman. No way to fix it and no one knows what it is. This is on vista.

Nothing you can do, i got the same probs on W7 time by time post-13661-1143531603.gif

Btw. can someone bann the lol-kiddy (knallhexe) out of this section?
All he does is spamming nonsense or reapting the crap of his master.
He is even abusing features of this section that should be used to help players.
#13NadeDawg  Jan 18 2010, 15:13 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
Mith your not much better.
Your spamming your opinion everywhere where nobody wants to hear it.
And tbh, hero spam is infact disgusting and requires not much skill.
This post has been edited by NadeDawg: Jan 18 2010, 15:18 PM
#14Krafted101  Jan 18 2010, 15:54 PM -
Replays: 13
aha, I would like to see you do some of the things he does with heroes XD

To abuse heroes the way mith does takes quite a bit of skill with them (not sarcasm).

I can't stand playing verse him but you have to respect what he is able to do. Also it makes for funny replays. I think my favorite replay posted has been when he did heroes verse traz or mino I think. Men vs Dwarf.

Also Mith uses this site correctly I believe as opposed to very many I might add. I do not see if they clean up his posts, but generally they are cleaner than most peoples (including yours) and his opinions give voice to the negative sides to btp. I mean i can understand if you don't like any opposition at all to the patch your trying to sell to everyone who comes on this site, but yes, explain to me how he misuses it, and if your only complaint is he voices his opinion in the "come to cw threads", then I am sorry.

By the way, just curious, what are they abusing mith?
#15LuMiNoSiTy  Jan 18 2010, 16:44 PM -
Replays: 6
"And tbh, hero spam is infact disgusting and requires not much skill."

Why is hero spam more disgusting than a "normaly" spam ? Why doesnt it requires much skills ?

#16NadeDawg  Jan 18 2010, 18:05 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
You have to admit that it's harder to micro 10 bats of fragile Gobs and their poison blades than just klicking Boro, Ara, Gandy, Horn, Blademaster, Wizard Blast, Athelas.

And what is negative about BTP in comparison to 1.06?
#17Knallhexe  Jan 18 2010, 18:12 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
And what is negative about BTP in comparison to 1.06?

1. Less player in the lobby, Mith has to wait 3 hours there to play, most likely he never heard of Xfire. sad.gif
2. Some arrogant player who always flame, because they always say bad things that make many people, especially the people with less expercience who lose all games vs them, feel really bad and discouraged to play sad.gif
#18Mithandrir  Jan 18 2010, 18:23 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:

By the way, just curious, what are they abusing mith?

What is the "tip-function" in this section for? To give useful tips if you ask me, not to flame and provoke other players.

#19LuMiNoSiTy  Jan 18 2010, 18:30 PM -
Replays: 6
"You have to admit that it's harder to micro 10 bats of fragile Gobs and their poison blades than just klicking Boro, Ara, Gandy, Horn, Blademaster, Wizard Blast, Athelas."

What you are saying doesnt have any sense, you think that because its harder for YOU to micro some bats of gobs then hero is noobish ... You think that because one bat of gobs is more fragile it makes it harder ? They are cheat and fast they cost 75 if my memory is correct, gandalf 5000, 5000/75 = 67. You think that 67 bat of gobs cant kill gandy ?

You need lot of skills to micro heroes too ... you have to know what power to do at the right moment, what stance to use at the right moment, when you have to use heal, when you have to fall back, etc.

If you say that you dont enjoy playing with heroes ok, but dont say you dont need skills to use them ...

If you are so sure of yourself try to use only heroes vs a good player, you will see that its not as easy as you think.

#20NadeDawg  Jan 18 2010, 19:37 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
I'm discussing with the wrong persons. I shoudl start flaming so that Infinity closes this pointless thread.
Heroes are lame and op, especially the MotW's one.
Ima go play some serious games, let's see if I can find those on 1.06.
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