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CNC Generals

limes vs ToP1 Hard fought cw

#11Murder-  Nov 7 2011, 14:33 PM -
just saying what i see. no need to get offended extinction.
#12krew  Nov 7 2011, 14:37 PM -
Hes had his head up his ass for the past few months.
#13lionengine  Nov 7 2011, 18:04 PM -
Replays: 86 Game:
murder, i didnt even recognized your post might be offensive. Actually its just the kind of post a player can wish for. (to improve)
#14meany  Nov 7 2011, 21:16 PM -
Replays: 9 Game:
An easy way to beat Zayron is to spam stealth fighters, he gets hopeless when he face them
#15Erfan  Nov 9 2011, 14:38 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Still extinction keeps denying in lobby that hes x>8

[sarcasm mode on]

OMFG admins, extinction is letting some1 else play cw on his account, BAN HIM

[sarcasm mode off]
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