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bull vs. Robin

#1Skynny  Jul 12 2005, 07:08 AM -
Replays: 82 Game:
Archived Thread

i was usa robin was gla..
good start for me and i though i had this game but it turned up 2 be a vgg.
This post has been edited by Darky: Jul 12 2005, 11:54 AM
#2|$K|Terminator  Jul 14 2005, 12:14 PM -
Replays: 0
Noob Gabi lol your USA sucks vs GLA NOOOOOOOOB ;D
#3Swifthawk  Jul 14 2005, 12:29 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
Terminator, what was constructive about your post? Nothing.

If you have nothing good to say then say nothing.

*Warned for flaming*
#4:(MurD3r0wN):  Jul 14 2005, 14:49 PM -
Replays: 8
MurD3r0wN's Review

GLA vs USA - Robin vs Bull

wow this was an AMAZING game, full of actions and attacks throughout whole game! tongue.gif

Robin - The Good

- Recovered quickly after having both oils stopped while Nuke0n gained both.
- Took map control early and had tunnels on both middles of the flank and did hit and run attacks on Nuk0n's base.
- Amazing quad usage throughout game, used it vs base, paladins, infantry, and killed many chinhooks and commanches, and also killed auroras early game.
- Killed half of Nukeon's base while being attacked with Nuke0n's force from flank
- AMAZING micro thoughout whole game, Robin has the be the best microererer in the game, quad jarmen bugge and quad micro were amazing thought game, not to say made a deadly combo which ripped though Nuke0n's force many times.
- Good anthrax drop on left flank, killed 3 humvees filled with infantry, and damaged his paladins; forcing him to retreat.
- Good use of radar van, went around with radar van and quad and killed all the spy drones, gave Nuk0n a hardtime to see what he was building.
- Got early black markets.

Robin - The Bad Not many mistakes from him

- Got both oils spots (wasan't really his fault)
- Left a scorpion and a lever 2 chveron quad cannon on left flank to die from a few md, could of caused havoc on chinhooks and base structures.
- should of bunkered the middle in late game with rpg troppers with his attack of scorp/quads in Nuk0n's base.

Game play Rated 9/10

Nuke0n - The Good

- Stopped both of Robin's oils and captures them, had huge advantage early game.
- Teched up early for tomahakws and Burton
- Kept alot of pressure on Robin with attacks from flanks / middle and consistently killed Robin's supply.
- Occupied middle by early mid game and chose dual war for paliding / tomahawk spam.
- Used A10's very well to take out Robin's black markets.
- Used a fuel air bomb in his own base by the end of the base to kill some of Robin's attack force, saved him the game.
- Got early supply drop zones

Nuke0n - The Bad

- Had off micro at times
- Should of bunkered middle civilian buildings with MD's, would of stopped alot of Robin's attacks.
- Could of shot Jarmen many times with pathfinders's, didin't move them into right position.
- Lost 3 commacnhes to a quad!! showing that he had low map awareness at times.
Game play Rated 9/10

Overall: Was an amazing game! One of those popcorn coca-cola replays biggrin.gif Great battles thruought whole game, if you haven't watched the replay i HIGHLY reccomend you to.

This post has been edited by :(MurD3r0wN):: Jul 14 2005, 15:50 PM
#5|$K|Terminator  Jul 14 2005, 15:55 PM -
Replays: 0
It was a GG but when gabi handle his scorpions better he can Win
#6G-[u]nit^  Jul 14 2005, 16:12 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Wow, another RR... Hehe, Nice job Kyle!
#7Dark_Mace  Jul 14 2005, 16:26 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
thats one fucking insane game.
loved it.
#8:(MurD3r0wN):  Jul 14 2005, 17:06 PM -
Replays: 8
QUOTE(G-[u]nit^ @ Jul 14 2005, 05:12 PM)
Wow, another RR... Hehe, Nice job Kyle!

im more of aiming to GLA strat mod wink.gif but its taken sad.gif
#9CaRNaGE  Jul 14 2005, 19:04 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
wow, a USA v GLA game on CCG that lasts more than 5 minutes. USA absolutely owns GLA on CCG.
#10G-[u]nit^  Jul 14 2005, 20:13 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
That's so not true!!! n1qshok.gif
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