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CNC Generals

is this the first ever PATT in a CCG game?!

#11Diamond-  Jul 2 2012, 11:25 AM -
Replays: 41 Game:
yea I just wrote that ^^ I actually thought it's the same as in German as the German word "Patt" does sound like anything but German, so I assumed the origin of the word came from somewhere else.
#12-NoMicrO-  Jul 2 2012, 12:02 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
yea I just wrote that ^^ I actually thought it's the same as in German as the German word "Patt" does sound like anything but German, so I assumed the origin of the word came from somewhere else.

Don't try to make any excuses for an inexcusable failure..
#13THEDOM-  Jul 2 2012, 13:14 PM -
Replays: 32 Game:
Good job Marco !!!
#14HaWkY^  Jul 4 2012, 09:34 AM -
Boring game.
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