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CNC Generals

Battle of the Titans

#1Mouzie  Oct 11 2016, 03:58 AM -
Replays: 1
A massive war between China and USA modded game. This game is around the idea of having fun not really showing off skills or strategies. Our lan rules are simple: No superweapons and an agreed amount of time for turtle/building since he is a new player.

USA (me): Created the Dragon Nest defensive idea in which massive amounts of turrets countered by small forces and rapid mobilization in case the defenses are weaken or threatened.

China (friend): Massive mobilization of troops, tanks, especially long range inferno cannons to counter my defense structures.

Sorry for the improper name, he's being an edge lord.
#2yzzd-xrdh  Mar 15 2018, 04:38 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
I cant see this replay
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