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CNC Generals

Skynny vs VeDzz

#1VeDz  Apr 23 2006, 11:09 AM -
Replays: 39 Game:
Absolutely insane play by both of us.

I was microing harder than I've ever done before.Review please.
#2Skynny  Apr 23 2006, 11:35 AM -
Replays: 82 Game:
Can anyone guess the two assaults that changed the game? w00t.gif
#3IamDyNaMic  Apr 23 2006, 13:18 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
scud bug, tunnel bug ^^ gonna watch thias
#4john87  Apr 23 2006, 18:54 PM -
Looks good to me smile.gif
#5wtfMEplz  Apr 23 2006, 19:53 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
This game is just stunning, vedz really shows how gla can beat usa late game.

Things i missed was buggies from vedz and tomas from skynny, but that was impossible for skynny, vedz not letting him get strat up all game.

Vgg ill rate this 8.5/10
#6Quasis  Apr 23 2006, 21:31 PM -
Replays: 33 Game:
wp both! Very good game.
#7bahumat  Apr 23 2006, 22:15 PM -
Ya vedzz you were just amazing here. Your gla play was flawless. It really gave me more of an idea what you can do against usa as gla. 8/10 for a really high level of play and lots of action.
This post has been edited by bahumat: Apr 23 2006, 22:16 PM
#8BUBU  Apr 23 2006, 22:15 PM -
Replays: 8 Game:
imho this just shows how good skynny actually is !! i mean this game was over after a hand full of humvees were lost to terrorists and he still manages to pull off the most amazing s*** i have ever seen. vedz was really into the game. his money was always low and thats what everyone should take on board and adapt to their game. skynny 4 me looks so relaxed, although its hard to imagine he is. look at the laser locking at the end !!! omfg, u might need slow motion replay !! i know ryan is getting kind of tired of me complementing him, but f*** it i dont care.
best cnc generls player ever and im claiming it !!
#9DalzK  Apr 23 2006, 22:55 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
ill watch this game later but 251 kb looks uber long ohmy.gif
#10BoWZeR  Apr 23 2006, 23:13 PM -
Replays: 67 Game:
wow elite? smilie_naughty.gif
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