Hey there Commanders! Stuck with the Campaign for
Command & Conquer: Red Alert Remastered? No worries,
XYHC and
GameReplays.Org have prepared a guide for you to tackle
Missions 1 to 9 of the
Soviet Campaign on
Hard difficulty. With practice and personal experimentation, you will be going through these missions
like plasma knife through polybutter!
Previous MissionMission 6: Bridge over the River Vizchgoi
Your sole goal in this mission is to escort at least one of the two tiny trucks across the bridge - except you aren’t supposed to try crossing the bridge. The bridge is heavily guarded and WILL BREAK. You have to take the long way around and head left to establish a base there.
Don’t deploy MCV yet! Move to the left There will be early aggression in the level. Consider getting a few Flame Towers on top early on and focus on defending at first.
The Hidden Mine
There are more ore to the top left & right of your base! Send scouts over to find those ore fields!
Defend until your army is massive You win the mission by clearing the way to the top right of the map and send a truck there via the long route around.
A long road trip