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CNC Zero Hour

[R]Very GG comment or cast! #1

[RANK] TD No Bugs No Cars ZH v1
[RANK] TD No Bugs No Cars ZH v1
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#1-Amp-  Jun 22 2018, 01:09 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Very good game vs me and Kitk4t definitely a good player personal opinion. Comment or Cast so i can improve myself! =)
#2Leikeze  Jun 29 2018, 23:54 PM -
[iNK]LeGenDaRy`(Stealth) vs KitK4t(USA)

A game that should have ended much more quickly.

  • Always have 5 workers on each supply, otherwise you are losing out on money and time, two things you cannot afford to lose. Also, take your oil quickly(within 2 minutes), and as you are Stealth, and therefore have Stealth Rebels, you should try to capture both oils from the beginning of the game.
  • Betting so much on your first TT isn't a good idea, unless you are good at backing it up, however, in the case of this game, you didn't have all that much to worry about, as your opponent was just an average-low semi player.
  • Nice TT on his Strategy Center & CC, getting both and his last Dozer, but you didn't follow it up with another TT to destroy his WF, which was the only thing keeping him in this game.
  • Work on your map awareness(pay attention to whatever is in your line of sight); Had you done this, you could have LL'd that TT, stopping it easily, with no losses. Even though it failed to destroy any of your buildings, it still cost you a few MD's, which you had no need to lose. Also, it would have saved you from his second TT, which did incredible damage to you in this game, destroying a lot of your Humvee army, this followed by your ill-fated idea to send what was left into destruction, as opposed to going back to regroup.
  • Take your oil, it really helps, a lot.
  • Don't allow you Vees to be picked off by anything, always drive out of the line of fire, nobody should have to be told to do that.
  • Here is a massive tip: If you ever run into a Demo trap, expect there to be many more around the map, therefore, be very cautious with your army. Get scout drones on your Humvees, move slowly around corners and areas where you could expect more traps to be. This would have saved you so much grief in this game, and will save you from a lot more in the future. Because you had this game in the bag until you began ramming into those traps (you still had it in the bag in the end, but you just gave up for no reason).
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