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CNC Zero Hour

Good fight Demo VS Tank

#1zhboring  Jan 11 2021, 23:26 PM -
Replays: 93 Game:
And at the end, as always - GAME BUG and 'gg'
But still fun and gg for me.
#2Mp3  Jan 12 2021, 01:31 AM -

Was wondering why the map thumbnail went missing. Turns out, you played on the ancient version of Snowy Drought. laugh.gif
If anybody wants that variation, feel free to get it from here: Download [NMC] Snowy Drought

Spoiler: c00L Game
Watch it now; was an interesting match, with a few mistakes that make it the way it went. Sad it ended in such manner.

Oh, the magnificent Fargo-Pop out of the sneak in his base. It was weird and strange move to witness, but - it worked in the end! Killing all the BMs of his and giving you a 2nd wind to recover. Don't understand why he was sacrificing all of his army, instead of 4-3 tanks. huh.gif

Still question the decision of going for a prop instead of an airfield, when he was in a safe position for it. It would've allowed tank to get both the BN Migs, countering the busses, and (most importantly) the lixes to annihilate the scorp army, as well as the tunnels, letting the ground army to move forward and kill the remains.

Despite that, he did pull off the lixing-move near the crash. The success of which almost wiped-out the entire base of Pink, leaving me with a conclusion that'd it be a dead game for Demo with no turning point.
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