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CNC Zero Hour

[R]Very GGs comment or cast! Game 2 of 6 BO7 #3

Tournament Desert No Bugs No Cars
Tournament Desert No Bugs No Cars
Game 1 of 7
Game 2 of 7
Game 3 of 7
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Game 4 of 7
Game 5 of 7
Game 6 of 7
Game 7 of 7
#1-Amp-  Jun 24 2018, 17:58 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Would like some feedback about how i can improve, Cast or Comment smile.gif
Game 2
#2Leikeze  Jun 29 2018, 23:54 PM -
[iNK]LeGenDaRy`(Stealth) vs HeroesDontLie(Demo)

A very sad game, no action, no suspense, just a short & rotten grind to the finish.

  • It takes 5 terrorists to destroy an Arms Dealer as Stealth. You wasted $1,400 on $1,000 of workers, this almost seems like it isn't that bad a trade, but it is, because you didn't slow him down for more than a few seconds, whereas you'd have taken him far further back by destroying either, or both his AD/Supply.
  • Take your oil, early.
  • Work on your micro with Technical armies. Once you drop off your RPG's, use them to attack the tunnel, sending your Techs in just to soak up damage, then send them back a bit; Had you scrapped them up you could have used them to destroy the tunnel more quickly, then his AD/Supply, but even with just 1 super tech, you could have done a lot, alas, you sent it into a Demo Trap going after his workers(I cannot blame you for that, you couldn't see it).
  • Don't bet your games on a TT, especially when you can't succeed in using it. Play it safe, build more tunnels and work on securing the middle, as this will be a far more effective way of winning GLA mirrors on TD than simply destroying an Arms Dealer at the start(which can and will fail).
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