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CNC Zero Hour

[R] Very GG

[RANK] Desolated District V1 Draft
[RANK] Desolated District V1 Draft
#1Leikeze  Mar 16 2018, 13:21 PM -
Oh cool.

-SeX'iee - Intense Tunnel spammage for map control followed by no Arms Dealer or WF the whole game(cause he stole a Dozer), and with lots of Raptors, Comanches, and more Tunnels he made GenMaster have to play Air like Laser with Avengers and the whole shebang. wacko.gif

-GeN|MasteR^ - Couldn't stop the push, or the pull, or the lols, should have gone only Combat + regular Chinooks only vs this.

Really fun, 10/10 would watch again.
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