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CNC Zero Hour

Good action

#1Serby  Nov 1 2020, 16:51 PM -
Base swap, action all the time
#2fastAiR  Nov 2 2020, 17:01 PM -
Replays: 94 Game:

WP to Purple for coming back from what appeared an untenable position

Altho it was only because you allowed him to do so.
The first truck was great and it was perfect for lix to fly in, but instead of going straight for his main base (after denying that oddly positioned arms), you decided to hang around killing tunnels in middle a rax and his oils. (At this point, I picture you smuggly sat in your chair smoking a cigar)
Neither of those things will win a game, they might assist in it, but they dont produce units, all the money and map control in the world is useless if you cant do anything with it.
Most people say use the lix to deny map control etc, thats normally true. But in this case he only had one supply and no army other than RPGs, and with it being an inf lix it coulda closed the game imo given the scenario.

BTW, one mig immediately after the helix was made in the early game could have also assisted you greatly in killing his base if you used the mig on his RPG pop in base just as your helix came in, get that hit right with the mig and its 100% GG.

Inf outpost is pretty shitty when it doesnt have room to run or out maneuvre enemy units, hence why the ones in your base were getting shredded, make more bunkers, doesnt matter if someone says its nooby, inf bunkers are a ball ache to deal with.
You could even use the inf bunker rush at any point in this game to encroach upon his bases, so as your army slowly creeps forward, chuck down a new bunker every so often and prop tower, he doesnt have many answers for that when you are slowly backing him into a corner.

The infantry here seemed to be your biggest issue, you made infernos which is good but they die so fast, seems like when ever you finally get some they get ambushed or something and its back to square one again. For this reason, it feels to me like migs are probably essentially to deal with his infantry.
You probably dont even need 4 or black napalm, just two would do to hit his infantry when they pop or bunched up, and also for taking out Jarmen who normally outruns everything else and back into a tunnel.
Count yourself lucky that he didnt even make mobs, had he done so, it probably would have been lights out for you not having any migs and no real counter to them on the ground. They are so effective vs inf and buy gla so much time acting as a meat shield.

WP by both, didnt really see you coming back tbh until I saw how many hackers you had made! Good job
I wub because fun to watch, but your failure to close the game early was a big mistake that a more experienced player would have punished.

edit/ your build. Make a mini gunner first and send him to the bottom bit or middle, deny worker or terror with it. Good GLA always sends worker or terror to scout helix
This post has been edited by fastAiR: Nov 2 2020, 19:26 PM
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