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CNC Zero Hour

entertaining 2v2

#1Serby  Jan 13 2014, 00:32 AM -
I rarely play 2v2, but this one was kinda entertaining. Some random guys
#2RollTideRoll  Jan 17 2014, 01:43 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
I rarely play 2v2, but this one was kinda entertaining. Some random guys

Clam is a good buddy of mine, He's pretty good.
#3Serby  Jan 17 2014, 14:27 PM -
I rarely play 2v2, but this one was kinda entertaining. Some random guys

Clam is a good buddy of mine, He's pretty good.

Good in what???
Every single 1v1 game he played against me, he dc'ed.
#4RollTideRoll  Jan 20 2014, 18:52 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
I rarely play 2v2, but this one was kinda entertaining. Some random guys

Clam is a good buddy of mine, He's pretty good.

Good in what???
Every single 1v1 game he played against me, he dc'ed.

yeah, he's no good at 1v1. I own him everytime. He does well at 2v2. Also he has a bad internet connection so I don't think he's DCing on purpose, though who knows.
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