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CNC Zero Hour

Rising vs Kasparov

#11UNr34L  Apr 25 2009, 06:20 AM -
Replays: 40 Game:
Playing in it and after re-watching it, I have to disagree. I felt there were a couple of key moments that decided the game; that terror tech on his oil/strat and the tunnel pop to kill the commanches. Without them the outcome would have been different imo.

Hmm, not rly. When spad started retaking mid and flanks, you had 5 million bms, 2 AD and ap bullets.
#12Opsnyder  Apr 25 2009, 14:16 PM -
I liked the comanches. This shows they can be pretty good even when you're not air gen.
#13ReLaX  Apr 25 2009, 16:03 PM -

Not bad, but I doubt just spamming Vee+Ambus again like always would be worse.
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