Which replays should I post?
Replays posted in the replay section have to be played on the official maps or maps designated as ranked (which usually have a name beginning with "[RANK]"). In addition they need to have $10,000 starting money and should be played on the correct map size for the number of players playing (with the exception of eight player maps, which may be played with six players). The replay section is reserved for competitive entertaining games; one sided games are not tolerated. Exceptions may be made in respect of events hosted by the Zero Hour staff. Please also rename your replay before uploading so that it is not named 0000000.rep
Are there any additional restrictions when posting replays?
In order to assure 'ownage' replays are not uploaded replay size restrictions are put in place. Any 1v1 game needs to be over 40kb's in length, 2v2 games should be at least 60kb's and 3v3's must be 80kb's or greater.
I think my opponent cheated, where should I post?
Zero Hour Maphack Accusations Forum is designed for any cheat accusations you may have. Replays containing any possible hacking or bug abuse should be posted in the aforementioned forum and not in the replay section. Please read the pinned rules in the maphack forum before making a topic.
What behaviour is forbidden in the Zero Hour replay system?
All the global site rules apply to the replay section. Instead of criticising the players involved try to give constructive advice so that they can improve. Also, try not to state the winner of a replay as your likely to spoil the game for other members who have yet to watch it. As above if you believe a player in a replay posted is cheating make an official accusation, do not accuse players without evidence.
I'm looking for help to improve my play, where should I post?
The corresponding
Strategy Forums for each faction is where you should post your replay if your searching for advice. On the contrary if you have a replay demonstrating for example a rarely seen strategy that you think others can learn from you should also post it in the strategy forums.
What is "wubbing" and the popularity system all about?
The main list of replays is broken down into two categories: Member Replays, and Popular Member Replays.
The Member Replays list is where all newly submitted replays go, the Popular Member Replays list is where replays are moved to once they receive enough wubs (this number varies from game to game).
The purpose of this is to make it easy to find replays that are worth watching. An active game section can have a deluge of replays posted each day, and it can often be challenging to find replays that are worthwhile. The popular list acts as a filter for the better replays.
Wubbing (love -> luv -> wuv -> wub) is how you determine popularity. If you like a replay, simply wub it, and your vote will get counted towards its popularity.
What are the menu links at the top for?
All Replays
This is where ALL of the replays are located. Everything is in here, and split between Member Replays and Popular Member Replays. Any time you want to go back to the main replay list, just click this link in the menu.
The Popular Member Replays list is sorted by date of popularity. That is, the replays which just became popular start at the top, with the oldest popular replays at the bottom.
The Member Replays list is sorted differently. It's sorted by whatever the last action was: wubbed, submitted, or replied to. A newly submitted replay will always start at the top, but if an older replay is wubbed or replied to, it will be "bumped" back to the top.
This is where you upload replays. Simply follow the instructions and you'll be all set.
Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame is where you can find the very best replays. These are replays that were voted in by the community, and they represent some of the most skillful and entertaining replays around.
This list is sorted by Last Post, which makes the list behave more like a forum. The discussion-friendly nature of this list makes it easy to see what replays people are currently interested in discussing.
Note that the Hall of Fame replays are still accessible from the All Replays list.
eSports Replays (coming soon)
This page lists all replays from major events & tournaments. The list can be filtered by each event, allowing you to quickly find replays from the major gaming events that GameReplays covers.
This list is sorted by event, with the newest events at the top.
Note that the eSports replays are still accessible from the All Replays list.
Expert Replays
The expert replays list makes it easy to find the replays from GameReplays members who are designated to be experts by the community and staff.
This list is sorted by Last Post, and the replays are also accessible from the All Replays list.
Shoutcasts (coming soon)
The shoutcasts list is a list of shoutcasts, rather than replays. Clicking on one will bring you to the shoutcast page of the associated replay. It's a convenient way to see which replays have received shoutcasts.
This list is sorted from newest to oldest.
Search (coming soon)
The search link provides access to a power search engine that makes it easy to find any specific combination of information you want. Search for any replays on a certain map, all the way down to a specific matchup between specific players on a specific map at a specific date....well, you get the idea. The possibilities are endless.
My Stuff
My Stuff makes it easy to keep track of your activity and contributions to the replay system. You can easily find your own replays, see your reviews and how much feedback they have, and find your comments.
How many replays am I allowed to upload?
As many as you want, there is no limit!
Can I upload replays that aren't mine?
Yes you can! You don't need to be a player in a replay to upload it. Keep in mind however we don't allow duplicate replays, so be sure someone hasn't already uploaded it.
How are Hall of Fame replays chosen?
Hall of Fame replays are automatically nominated once they receive a certain number of wubs (this 4x the number needed to become popular), and are then voted on by the community in a week-long poll.
If after one week 70% of the votes are in favor of the replay being added to the Hall of Fame, then the replay will be updated with Hall of Fame status, and the poll will be closed.
We will play with the numbers until we reach a target of roughly 1% of all replays making it into the Hall of Fame.
Some sections don't use the Hall of Fame format however. Please check out the Silver and Gold Replay FAQ questions for a answer on those.
What are Silver Replays?
A few sections on GameReplays use the Silver Replay category.
Silver Replays are replays that are entertaining and show a fun match. The match does not have to be on a pro level and mistakes are allowed to be made. It is all about having a fun and intense game to watch. Silver replays can also contain new build orders or strategies.
Only Replay Reviewers can promote a replay to Silver. Make sure to apply for a Replay Reviewer position if you have interest in this power as well.
What are Gold Replays
A few sections on GameReplays use the Gold Replay category. The Gold Replay category replaces the Hall of Fame.
Gold Replays are replays that are really entertaining and show a very fun match. The match does not have to be on a pro level and mistakes are allowed to be made. It is all about having a really fun and intense game to observe. This is also the place for outstanding new strategies and wtf-moments.
Note that Gold Replays do not have to be perfect. It is all about entertainment value.
Only Replay Reviewers can promote a replay to Silver. From here he can request a staff vote to make a replay Gold. Each section staff will decide if a replay is gold worthy. We will look at changing this system into a community vote later.
How can I view a list of just my replays?
To view all of your replays, go to any replay you've uploaded and click the link in the upper right of the replay details box.
This will bring you to a list of all the replays you've uploaded.
To see your reviews, go to any review you've written, and click on the link in the footer of the review:

I have a bug to report, where should I report it?
Please report it in the
Site Feedback/Improvement Discussion
Be as descriptive as possible. The more information you give about your operating system, browser, and what page you were viewing, the easier it is for GR engineers to figure out what's wrong.
Who created the GameReplays.org ReplaySystem?
|elder|Kiltec - Chief Engineer
TDA - Senior Engineer
Subroutine - Engineer
Koner - Engineer
-Sebra - Engineer
Natey - Engineer
AgmMaverick - Engineer
AgmLauncher - UI/graphics design
Darky - UI design
How is Replay of the Week chosen?
Replay of the Week is the most popular replay of the entire week, based on the number of wubs.