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CNC Zero Hour

[R]N3 v XTC

#1bliNd-  Mar 24 2005, 23:01 PM -
Replays: 25 Game:
Hi, enjoy guys. biggrin.gif
#2DaRk_FuSioN  Mar 24 2005, 23:53 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
lol, i bet you wanted to post an ownage replay too wink.gif
#3eXpLoSiOn  Mar 25 2005, 01:33 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
to sum up the game

tupac won cuz of humvee spam + fb
#4bliNd-  Mar 25 2005, 01:49 AM -
Replays: 25 Game:
You want me to make tanks vs his tech rpg spam? Are you stupid?
#5eXpLoSiOn  Mar 25 2005, 02:59 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
no jus i dunno y u posted this game.

all u did was humvee spam, how would u think this would be an interesting game
#6GoLD_DaRe  Mar 25 2005, 08:08 AM -
in my game vs him tox usav i won too and i made paladins tbh wink.gif
#7BlackOpts  Mar 25 2005, 09:04 AM -
Replays: 0

You had very good map control setting up a forward rax and tunnels on the sides. Allows for a very mobile attack force. Your offense was also pretty good. You kept a constant attack on him and never allowed him to rest. However, you lost multiple forces from lack of micro. Next time instead of dumping your rpgs and taking off with your techs have them sit in front of your rpgs. You will most likely lose your techs but your rpgs will wipe out the rockvees and be able to move in on his base. Also if rockvees are giving you trouble try flanking him on both sides at the same time. The double attack will be too much to handle. Nice use of that terror/tech attack. Try to employ that more next time. Also, in the beginning you could have taken out both his dozers but only took out 1. With the lack of a CC he would have been very crippled and could have been GG. Your defense was ok. Didnt do a very good job defending your tunnels once they went up and thus lost your control over the map. Did a pretty good job with money. Securing derricks is always a plus. Overall you did well. Just need more practice against rockvees. I give you 5/10


You did a really good job protecting your flanks and reclaiming them with those rockvee attacks. Also, placing pallys and a firebase on your sides really helped in securing them. However, the middle was left wide open. Next time if you secure the middle also you will box your enemy in and gain a great advantage. Your offense was no where to be found however. You had a sizeable force and could have taken the fight to him. Usually after a big fire fight like when your rockvees took out his rpg/techs is a good time to attack. Chances are his base is open from lack of units. Take advantage of this and dont allow your enemy to recover. On the defensive side though you had it on lock. Good job microing those MDs and not allowing him to control the map. You did pretty good moneywise but instead of destroying the derricks make an attempt to claim them. I know its faster that way but you'll find that the extra cash comes in handy during longer games. Overall not too bad. Just learn to take the fight to you oppenent and you'll be ok. I give you 5/10

Overall this was a pretty good watch. One player shows how to defend well while the other shows how to keep a constant attack. I give it 5/10
#8DaRk_FuSioN  Mar 25 2005, 11:23 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
techspam??? why not teching up? was humveespam too
but I really like the way Tupac evacuates his humvees always right on time smile.gif
#9silent.  Mar 25 2005, 11:29 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
blackopts u gotta seriously consider changing ur review style. continous prose is not good for any1 to read. and u give blind 5/10 -.- . i dont see how any usa player fighting off tech rpg spam deserves as low as 5/10

also if ur gonna attempt to review a game, leave a message sumthin like 'review to follow' so that no1 else makes a review as well
This post has been edited by Silent^: Mar 25 2005, 11:30 AM
#10bliNd-  Mar 25 2005, 11:44 AM -
Replays: 25 Game:
BTW, if you watched the rep I made paladins too.
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