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CNC Zero Hour

nice game - nuke vs laser - rage vs sexiee

Tournament Desert No Bugs No Cars
Tournament Desert No Bugs No Cars
#1RaGe^  Sep 27 2016, 04:18 AM -
Replays: 80
nice tactical game
#2Boblasagne  Sep 27 2016, 14:04 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Very nice game.
I do not know how you manage to control your units.
The concentration should be the maximum.
#3Wildhide  Sep 27 2016, 15:44 PM -
Replays: 19 Game:
Honest opinion(SPOILERS)
The drop at the start was pretty nice to watch.Then half of the game felt just campy and really lack any engagements.Then rage decided to move his army in destroy 1/2 of sexi's base move back and then sexi with his glorious blob of lazer tanks moved in and got emp'd.Better than a usual game but not worth uploading cause... yeah...
Call me hater, I don't care
#4Spell  Sep 27 2016, 16:06 PM -
Honest opinion(SPOILERS)
The drop at the start was pretty nice to watch.Then half of the game felt just campy and really lack any engagements.Then rage decided to move his army in destroy 1/2 of sexi's base move back and then sexi with his glorious blob of lazer tanks moved in and got emp'd.Better than a usual game but not worth uploading cause... yeah...
Call me hater, I don't care

#5CirezD  Sep 27 2016, 16:21 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
Honest opinion(SPOILERS)
The drop at the start was pretty nice to watch.Then half of the game felt just campy and really lack any engagements.Then rage decided to move his army in destroy 1/2 of sexi's base move back and then sexi with his glorious blob of lazer tanks moved in and got emp'd.Better than a usual game but not worth uploading cause... yeah...
Call me hater, I don't care

If Sexiee didn't waste his drop on engaging one troop crawler but going for the trucks / supply on the right, he'd have won the game right there. Spy drones also help a lot.

#6Wildhide  Sep 27 2016, 18:27 PM -
Replays: 19 Game:
Honest opinion(SPOILERS)
The drop at the start was pretty nice to watch.Then half of the game felt just campy and really lack any engagements.Then rage decided to move his army in destroy 1/2 of sexi's base move back and then sexi with his glorious blob of lazer tanks moved in and got emp'd.Better than a usual game but not worth uploading cause... yeah...
Call me hater, I don't care


Do I care?
#7WwW.GooGle.Com`  Sep 27 2016, 18:49 PM -
I feel like it's zamok all over again ^^
#8Boblasagne  Sep 27 2016, 22:44 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Nan judging the new tactic only.
very nice replay
#9HeRσ  Sep 28 2016, 10:17 AM -

Replays: 2805 Game:
GG, nice game to watch.
#10Phoenix-  Sep 28 2016, 12:26 PM -

Replays: 519 Game:
GG, nice game to watch.

+1. Entertaining and good game!
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