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CNC Zero Hour

[R] 2v2 SW/demo vs stealth/demo

#1OoE-ExCaL^  Mar 3 2006, 23:35 PM -
#2EteRnaL  Mar 3 2006, 23:37 PM -
I will review this one later today. smile.gif
#3EteRnaL  Mar 4 2006, 06:00 AM -
Team [23]:IPB Image and IPB Image
Well the Stealth player went for a forward tunnel at the opponent's unsafe supplies, however it really didn't quite work out. Usually if you're dual GLA it's a good idea for both players to try for a forward tunnel as it's a really strong double early game and will increase your chances of getting at least one tunnel up. After that I thourougly enjoyed Stealth's hijacker on a bike, getting that dozer + power plant really helped you to out-spam the opposing Demo player. You also got a USA barracks with your hijacked dozer, but you only produced 3 MDs at first then left it idol. Getting a USA barracks is a golden opportunity as GLA as LL MDs in mass own rockvees. Your partner had the opposing Demo player handled with his 2x AD strat, but your biggest problem late game was SW's S&D rockvees. Getting lots of MDs would have held off the SW player until he got pathfinders, allowing you plenty of time to tech up to rocket buggies/Jarmen. It both GLA players' techs came too late, by the time you had some rocket buggies SW already had a mass of rockvees and several Alphas. Really too late to do much tbh. Up to that point you were doing really well in taking out the opposing Demo player.

Team [LtK]:IPB Image and IPB Image
The SW player decided not to sell his CC which meant that he had to delay the building of his rax - however this was probably a good idea considering that dual GLA could hunt two dozers pretty easily. Because you were SW and had to deal with $850 you weren't really in a position to help your partner that much when he was getting smashed in the center. Ultimately what happened was Demo was simply overwhelmed by 4x AD spam, with one player even having a power plant. wacko.gif When your partner's main was getting doubled the SW player should have sent his S&D humvees to help out instead of sending them into Stealth's base. Going on the offensive at that point really didn't accomplish much, and some help could have salvaged your partner's base a bit. After that point the SW played really well, using the Alphas to very effective use. I really liked the use of gen points as well, especially the A10 on his quads. biggrin.gif

Summary: Not a bad game at all. Great comeback from [LtK] - massive spam almost smashed the Demo player, however quad and marauder spam doesn't do much vs S&D humvees as they later found out. tongue.gif

Game Rating: 7
#4Sony  Mar 4 2006, 11:46 AM -
Replays: 16
Mr angry must comm in this rep biggrin.gif
#5OoE-ExCaL^  Mar 4 2006, 13:32 PM -
going offensive was my only option, i killed lots of units when i attacked, we would have lost if i hadnt tbh.
#6Knockout  Mar 4 2006, 18:35 PM -
by the way, that wasnt a 2nd arms dealer, that was a FAKE one lol, which i sold later.
#7ReLaX  Mar 7 2006, 11:07 AM -

Was interesting !
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