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Command and Conquer 3

C&C:Online User Guide

Managing your buddies
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You can manage your buddies and send buddy requests directly from the new site. Accepted buddy requests will show in game.

Viewing another profile's buddies

The profile list of another player's profile will show on their profile page. You can look up the profile of another player from the "Profile" tab on the top menu, which allows you to search for a profile.

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Adding a buddy

To add a profile as your buddy, look up the profile (as above) while logged in to your account and hit the "Add profile name as a buddy" at the bottom of the profile page. You will then be asked from which of your own profiles the buddy request should come. Select the profile from the drop-down list and a buddy request will be sent.

Accepting a buddy request

Buddy requests from other profiles will show on the profile page of your profile under Buddy Requests. You can accept or reject the request. Once you accept the request, the process will be complete and you will each show as buddies to each other in game.

Removing a buddy

You can remove a buddy from your profile page. In contrast to the way the buddy system worked under gamespy, removing a buddy from your own buddy list will also remove you from their list.

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