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Command and Conquer 3

Maze goes full power.

#11PoKeMoM  Sep 16 2016, 23:01 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
I copied Maze's match history vs me onto a spreadsheet and did a quick formula to count wins and losses.

Bruhh you're good with computers. I'll probably have about 3 wins vs you the last 100 lol

Step 1: Count wins and losses
Step 2: Convert into a percentage

Congratulations, you're a computer whiz.
#12worldsdominate  Sep 17 2016, 08:54 AM -
I copied Maze's match history vs me onto a spreadsheet and did a quick formula to count wins and losses.

Bruhh you're good with computers. I'll probably have about 3 wins vs you the last 100 lol

Step 1: Count wins and losses
Step 2: Convert into a percentage

Congratulations, you're a computer whiz.

It's not that, of course you can count that. But you know how many games shock played? Fuck I'm not bout to go through all that
#13shocktapus  Sep 17 2016, 09:24 AM -
Replays: 223 Game:
I couldn't be arsed counting them manually either. It is a real simple formula: =IF(A1="Win",1,0) IF(A1="Loss",1,0). Copy each formula down for the whole of the match history then just =SUM() for both columns to add them up.
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