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Command and Conquer 3

gg vs shoktrepet

#1shocktapus  Sep 22 2016, 14:10 PM -
Replays: 223 Game:
Unusual nod mirror. Comebacks from both sides.
#2worldsdominate  Sep 24 2016, 11:43 AM -
Really frustrating to watch. Shoktrep q move too much. I'm not saying I'm better than y'all, but it's really frustrating when Shok could have just steamrolled your base when his scorpions are upgraded.
#3shocktapus  Sep 24 2016, 13:30 PM -
Replays: 223 Game:
Well yeah, that is what he should have done - I was just trying to buy as much time as I could with bikes and hoped that he would chase them.

I think his thinking was that he was so far ahead that if he just dealt with the bikes and didn't lose harvs then he'd still be able to roll me over safely afterwards without any way for me to comeback, whereas if he left the bikes to kill all his harvs and then somehow didn't win with his scorp push (I did have a lot of fanatics) then it would allow me an opening to counter.

But yeah, I agree with you - he should have pushed with the scorps. Having said that, there is a replay of me vs Mr Mc. where he does just that...and it doesn't work out for him...

#4worldsdominate  Sep 24 2016, 15:09 PM -
Well yeah, that is what he should have done - I was just trying to buy as much time as I could with bikes and hoped that he would chase them.

I think his thinking was that he was so far ahead that if he just dealt with the bikes and didn't lose harvs then he'd still be able to roll me over safely afterwards without any way for me to comeback, whereas if he left the bikes to kill all his harvs and then somehow didn't win with his scorp push (I did have a lot of fanatics) then it would allow me an opening to counter.

But yeah, I agree with you - he should have pushed with the scorps. Having said that, there is a replay of me vs Mr Mc. where he does just that...and it doesn't work out for him...


But I do like it when you had too much fanatic, starts destroying those garrisoned troops LOL Wubbed for that one!
#5shocktapus  Sep 24 2016, 19:23 PM -
Replays: 223 Game:

But I do like it when you had too much fanatic, starts destroying those garrisoned troops LOL Wubbed for that one!

Well that was just bad play by me...I remember thinking during the game where all my fanatics had gone and then watched replay and realised a whole bunch of them had killed buildings...
#6Luvaskot  Sep 26 2016, 13:20 PM -

Replays: 5 Game:

But yeah, I agree with you - he should have pushed with the scorps. Having said that, there is a replay of me vs Mr Mc. where he does just that...and it doesn't work out for him...


I was about to click the link...

...but then I took an arrow in the knee.
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