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Command and Conquer 3

1.02 XKaLiBaR(Nod) vs BLuE_GaiDeN (Nod)

#1Vissario  Mar 31 2007, 22:15 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
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REPLAY REVIEW by Species8472 - 31 March 2007

Match Overview
Very exciting and heated Nod mirror with both sides spamming mass scorps. The BO in this game made the difference, but was not yet going to tell who would win. Both players had the edge several times, but these edges could have been used better.

Took the middle early on, by not taking building a crane first you had a free ride, further in the game good use of middle bunkers, which were quite annoying for blue. Throughout the game you did not make a crane and you even were moving the MCV, well build an outpost near that spot, an MCV is precious without even having one crane, that caused that you had a crappy economy the whole game, you could not build enough tanks either, but using rocket militants really helped when trying to take the middle although you did not succeed. Very nice use of the heated battle by using engineeers. Using it as last resort never helps.
    Tips for improvement
  • Build a crane for buildings and an outpost to expand and don't move your precious MCV.
  • Microing scorps was not always at best, focus fire at all times!
  • Because you didn't use full production you had still some money to spare, which could have been used for teching up and upgrading to laserscorps.
Overall well played and that you couldn't take the middle made the game exciting, but with the crane BO you boomed which gave you the edge very early on and maybe even throughout the game, although your credits were never higher than 100. Building some defenses helped you through the game together with the scorps though it was pretty hard fight. In the whole game you had more scorps than Xkalibar which had given you a mobile edge. Xkalibar's economy has therefore bleeding to death and that has made you win this match. Crane for large AND small maps has been proven here. Making orca's wasn't really necessary anymore.
    Tips for Improvement
  • When you have build something near you outpost you can sell it
  • Besides macroing your scorps you should still be aware for some tactical micro, which you could have done
  • You could have teched up since you had more scorps.
Reviewers Rating: 7

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