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Command and Conquer 3

Fun 2v2

#1Megaowner  Apr 1 2007, 15:38 PM -
Replays: 9 Game:
Game from a couple days ago. This was the last of three matches. We lost the first, and won the next two.

#2Chameleon  Apr 1 2007, 22:58 PM -
Replays: 26 Game:
As I said before...

I enjoyed all 3 of these games. The first game was SCRIN vs GDI. I honestly felt like the game was a 2vs1 though, as I did a quick master mind rush, and took out Megaowner - and then went and finished Stefor with mass tripods, before he could kill Meecrob, who was barely hanging on.

The 2nd game was stupid on my part, because I tried to master mind rush again, and Megaowner was better prepared.

The third game was definitely a brutal beating for us, I got eng rushed by Megaowner, which hurt me bad and made it near impossible for me to keep up with Stefor after that point.

Good games, and some of my first 2vs2 games. I really wish someone had the replay from the first game too, my scrin performance was quite good IMO, and the BO worked great. Master Minds are so cool.
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