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Command and Conquer 4

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Command and Conquer 4 Features and Articles

Special Feature

Q&A With C&C's New Community Manager

Friday, 13 Aug 2010
GameReplays.org recently had a chance to chat with the new Community Manager for Command & Conquer, EA_Goodman. Goodman hails from Stockholm, brings some Blizzard experience to the table and is looking forward to taking on the challenge that is Command & Conquer.methuselah: Name, age & location...
Special Feature

July Screenshot of the Month Winner Announced!

Thursday, 5 Aug 2010
July's Screenshot of the Month challenge was "Support Powers." We've decided to spice up our little competition by offering a free game to the winners at least for a few months so congratulations Incia you won the inaugural contest.....and a free Electronic Arts. Well done!Have a look!First...
Special Feature

C&C 4 3v3 June 27 Tournament Announced

Tuesday, 8 Jun 2010
Gamereplays.org is proud to present its 2nd Command and Conquer Tiberian Twilight Tournament. This time it will be a 3vs3 fun tournament on Sunday, June 27, 18:00 GMT. Sign ups are open as of this moment until Saturday, June 26, 22.00 GMT.Tournament DetailsDate: Sunday, June 27.Location:...
Special Feature

Command & Conquer 4 Launch Cup Results

Monday, 17 May 2010
Congratulations to CNC Sexy Time for winning the inaugural Launch Cup earlier today and congratulations to Kalobure for coming in second behind the Sexy Time juggernaut. The replays are being uploaded as we speak in the events section of the replay section and VoD's will no doubt follow suit....
Special Feature

C&C 4 Launch Cup Announced: $100 Cash Prize

Monday, 3 May 2010
Welcome to the first of many Tiberian Twilight tournaments hosted by GameReplays! This one will be a 5v5 on Sunday, May 16th, and it will start at 18:00 GMT. The $100 cash prize goes 100% to the winning team.Tournament Format and RulesThis first tournament is a 5v5 official maps tournament....
Special Feature

Command & Conquer 4 VoD of the Week

Wednesday, 21 Apr 2010
With the release of patch 1.02 only being a mere two weeks ago players are now able to experience the marvel that is Command and Conquer 4 with some added extras previously not seen in patch 1.00. A few extra choices are available to the players and one in particular I wish to point out is the...
Special Feature

C&C 4 Game Information Section Launched

Monday, 19 Apr 2010
GameReplays is proud to announce the release of our full Command & Conquer 4 Game Information Section. Inside you will find all of the specifics you never had time in game to study from the by faction, by class, complete break down of all units, structures and support powers. Additionally, you...
Special Feature

C&C 4 Unit Profile: Nod Cyborg Reaper

Thursday, 15 Apr 2010
Electronic Arts today released another in a series of Unit Profiles for Command & Conquer 4. Today's release features the Nod Cyborg Reaper which is an anti heavy infantry walker. Check it out!Cyborg ReaperIf you can read this, something is wrong with the video player. Designation: Classified...
Special Feature

Tiberian Twilight hits shelves, GameReplays

Tuesday, 16 Mar 2010
With the release of Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight today, GameReplays is proud to present an updated set of game information about EA's latest title in the Command & Conquer series. Here is what we have for you: A new game info section with detailed information about units, upgrades and...
Special Feature

C&C 4: Nod Scorpion Tank Unit Profile

Wednesday, 10 Feb 2010
Electronic Arts just released the Nod Scorpion Tank Unit Profile. Scorpion Tanks have a long and distinguished history Command & Conquer wise check out the C&C 4 version. Scorpion TankDesignation: AT-20 (Assault Tank)Affiliation: NodRole: Multi-Role Laser TankIntroduced:...