Defense Class
Note. The "Requirements" are listed as "build time, cost, tier", where the cost is measured in Command Points (CP) for units and Power (Po) for structures. The build time for units (but not for structures) is reduced by 75 % while the Crawler is inside a Deployment Zone. Structures are only functional while a Defense Crawler is deployed; otherwise existing structures will be offline and their upgrades locked.
Crawler-purchased upgrades have square icons, unit and structure abilities and structure upgrade options icons with a clipped corner.
Defense Crawler (MCV)
Laser: Strong vs. Heavy
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Repair Radius (when Unpacked), Ability to build Units, Ability to build Structures
» Defensive Matrix, Advanced Composite Armor, Mobility Matrix, Enhanced Shields
Hitpoints: 3000
Shield Hitpoints: 1000/2000
Unpack Immediately: Unpack the Crawler to allow produced units to exit and to also provide a wide repair radius. The Crawler also gains a powerful weaponry.
Pack Up: Pack up the Crawler into a mobile and highly armored vehicle.
Defensive Matrix (MCV Upgrade):
Creates a Defensive Shield in a large radius around the MCV when it is unpacked.
Enhanced Repairs (Utility Upgrade):
Increases the repair speed of the Nod Slave, and increases the repair radius and amount repaired by the Defense MCV.
Mobility Matrix (MCV Upgrade):
Creates a Defensive Shield in a large radius around the MCV when it is mobile.
Enhanced Shields (Structure Upgrade):
Increases the shield health and regeneration of the MCV and Disruption Tower.
Sound: Engineer Quotes!Repair Beam
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Cliffjumping, Stealth Detection, Clear Mines, Repair, Capture Husk
» Range Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 8 sec, 3 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 150
Repair: Manually repair targeted unit or structure.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Repair Beam
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Repair nearby allies, Incendiary Mines, Build Outpost
» Enhanced Repairs, Range Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 8 sec, 3 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 200
Build Outpost: Build an Outpost, which provides build radius and detects stealth. Outposts cost 3 power points each.
Incendiary Mines: Lay a field of stealthed, incendiary mines.
Repair: Manually repair targeted unit or structure.
Enhanced Repairs (Utility Upgrade):
Increases the repair speed of the Nod Slave, and increases the repair radius and amount repaired by the Defense MCV.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Sound: Centurion Quotes!Cannon: Strong vs. Medium Vehicles
» Can only attack ground units
Medium: Weak vs. CannonAbilities:
» Reflective Shield (when still)
» Range Boost, Speed Boost, Accuracy Boost
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 600
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Accuracy Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases chance to hit by 50% for Tier 1 Cannon and Rocket Units. Rocket units will no longer miss against moving targets. Cannon units will no longer miss when moving.
Sound: Reaper Quotes!Laser: Strong vs. Heavy
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Recovers health automatically
» Dark Armaments, Medical Training, Range Boost, Refire Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 10 sec, 3 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 350
Dark Armaments (Infantry Upgrade):
Outfits most Nod infantry with new abilities or increased combat effectiveness.
Medical Training (Infantry Upgrade):
Provides all infantry with Medical Training, which increases health and heals them when garrisoned in a vehicle or building.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Refire Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Decreases the reload or recharge time of many Gun and Laser units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Sound: Enlightened Quotes!Cannon: Strong vs. Medium Vehicles
» Can only attack ground units
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Recovers health automatically
» Dark Armaments, Medical Training, Range Boost, Speed Boost, Accuracy Boost
Requirements: 10 sec, 3 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 325
Dark Armaments (Infantry Upgrade):
Outfits most Nod infantry with new abilities or increased combat effectiveness.
Medical Training (Infantry Upgrade):
Provides all infantry with Medical Training, which increases health and heals them when garrisoned in a vehicle or building.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Accuracy Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases chance to hit by 50% for Tier 1 Cannon and Rocket Units. Rocket units will no longer miss against moving targets. Cannon units will no longer miss when moving.
Sound: Devout Quotes!Gun: Strong vs. Light
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Recovers health automatically
» Dark Armaments, Medical Training, Range Boost, Refire Boost, Speed Boost
Requirements: 10 sec, 3 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 325
Reload: Manually Reload this unit's weapon (faster than automatic reload).
Dark Armaments (Infantry Upgrade):
Outfits most Nod infantry with new abilities or increased combat effectiveness.
Medical Training (Infantry Upgrade):
Provides all infantry with Medical Training, which increases health and heals them when garrisoned in a vehicle or building.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Refire Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Decreases the reload or recharge time of many Gun and Laser units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Rocket: Strong vs. Medium Aircraft
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Recovers health automatically
» Dark Armaments, Medical Training, Range Boost, Speed Boost, Accuracy Boost
Requirements: 10 sec, 3 CP, Tier 1
Hitpoints: 325
Dark Armaments (Infantry Upgrade):
Outfits most Nod infantry with new abilities or increased combat effectiveness.
Medical Training (Infantry Upgrade):
Provides all infantry with Medical Training, which increases health and heals them when garrisoned in a vehicle or building.
Range Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases the weapon and vision range of all Tier 1 units.
Speed Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increase the movement speed of many units.
Accuracy Boost (Passive Upgrade):
Increases chance to hit by 50% for Tier 1 Cannon and Rocket Units. Rocket units will no longer miss against moving targets. Cannon units will no longer miss when moving.
Black Hand
Sound: Black Hand Quotes!Blast: Strong vs. Structures
» Can only attack ground units
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Ignite Ground
» Holy Water (requires Dark Armaments), Medical Training
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 575
Launch Holy Water: Create a cloud that increases over time, doing light damage to enemy units. Can be ignited by fire effects.
Dark Armaments (Infantry Upgrade):
Outfits most Nod infantry with new abilities or increased combat effectiveness.
Medical Training (Infantry Upgrade):
Provides all infantry with Medical Training, which increases health and heals them when garrisoned in a vehicle or building.
Sound: Reckoner Quotes!Medium: Weak vs. CannonAbilities:
» Garrison infantry, Unpack
» Drilltip
Requirements: 12 sec, 6 CP, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 1050
Eject All: Evacuate all units from inside.
Unpack Immediately: Unpack this vehicle at its current location.
Pack Up: Pack up this vehicle.
Burrow: Burrows underground, decreasing speed but gaining armor. Burrowed units are considered stealthed, and can traverse cliffs.
Unburrow: Order this unit to resurface.
Drilltip (Reckoner Upgrade):
Grants the burrow ability to the Reckoner and increases its health.
High Confessor
Blast: Strong vs. Structures
Light: Weak vs. GunAbilities:
» Tiberium Launcher (decreases armor and damages over time, passive)
» Medical Training
Requirements: 15 sec, 10 CP, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 525
Medical Training (Infantry Upgrade):
Provides all infantry with Medical Training, which increases health and heals them when garrisoned in a vehicle or building.
Blast: Strong vs. Structures
» Can only attack ground units
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Unpack (only fires when unpacked)
» Backup Systems
Requirements: 15 sec, 10 CP, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 2700
Unpack Immediately: Unpack this vehicle at its current location.
Pack Up: Pack up this vehicle.
Backup Systems (Husk Upgrade):
Your husks will gain health over time, and automatically stand up when they reach full health, under your control.
Blast: Strong vs. Structures
» Can only attack ground units
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Penetrator Burrowblast (long range, burrowed artillery)
Requirements: 15 sec, 10 CP, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 1500
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Provides build radius, vision, and stealth detection
» Stealth Field, Comm. Tower, Improved Concealment
Requirements: 10 sec, 3 Po, built by Slave (Tier 1)
Upgrade "Comm. Tower": 5 sec, 1 Po, Tier 1
Upgrade "Stealth Field": 10 sec, 1 Po, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 300
Comm. Tower: Add a Comm. Tower to the Outpost, increasing vision range, stealth detection range, and build radius. Costs 1 power point.
Stealth Field: Stealths nearby units and structures. Costs 1 power point.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Improved Concealment (Structure Upgrade):
Increases the dodge bonus provided by stealth from the Outpost, Disruption Tower, and Burrow Tunnel.
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Garrison infantry, Burrow
» Reinforce
Requirements: 10 sec, 3 Po, Tier 1
Upgrade "Reinforce": 5 sec, 1 Po, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 500
Eject All: Evacuate all units from inside.
Reinforce: Upgrade to Reinforced Armor, increase health, and gain the Burrow ability. Costs 1 power point.
Burrow: Burrows underground, gaining armor. Burrowed units are considered stealthed.
Unburrow: Order this structure to resurface.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Viper Turret
Cannon: Strong vs. Medium Vehicles
» Can only attack ground units
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Burrow (requires Reinforce)
» Reinforce
Requirements: 15 sec, 6 Po, Tier 1
Upgrade "Reinforce": 10 sec, 1 Po, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 500
Reinforce: Upgrade to Reinforced Armor, increase health, and gain the Burrow ability. Costs 1 power point.
Burrow: Burrows underground, gaining armor. Burrowed units are considered stealthed.
Unburrow: Order this structure to resurface.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Rocket Pod
Rocket: Strong vs. Medium Aircraft
Heavy: Weak vs. LaserAbilities:
» Burrow (requires Reinforce)
» Reinforce
Requirements: 15 sec, 6 Po, Tier 1
Upgrade "Reinforce": 10 sec, 1 Po, Tier 2
Hitpoints: 450
Reinforce: Upgrade to Reinforced Armor and gain the Burrow ability. Costs 1 power point.
Burrow: Burrows underground, gaining armor. Burrowed units are considered stealthed.
Unburrow: Order this structure to resurface.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Burrow Tunnel
Reinforced: Weak vs. BlastAbilities:
» Light and Medium units instantly travel between tunnels
» Expand Network, Improved Concealment
Requirements: 10 sec, 2 Po, Tier 2
Upgrade "Expand Network": 10 sec, 1 Po, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 600
Expand Network: Gains additional health, allows the transport of heavy units, and project a stealth field around nearby allies. Costs 1 power point.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Improved Concealment (Structure Upgrade):
Increases the dodge bonus provided by stealth from the Outpost, Disruption Tower, and Burrow Tunnel.
Flame Column
Blast: Strong vs. Structures
Reinforced: Weak vs. BlastAbilities:
» Fuel Air Bomb
» Flamethrowers
Requirements: 20 sec, 10 Po, Tier 2
Upgrade "Flamethrowers": 15 sec, 1 Po, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 750
Flamethrowers: Increases armor and hit points, and adds 3 flame turrets to attack nearby ground enemies. Costs 1 power point.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Obelisk of Light
Laser: Strong vs. Heavy
Reinforced: Weak vs. BlastAbilities:
» Spectrum (links with nearby obelisks to increase damage, passive)
» Prism Upgrade
Requirements: 20 sec, 10 Po, Tier 2
Upgrade "Prism": 15 sec, 1 Po, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 750
Prism Upgrade: Increases hit points and adds a prism effect which splits the weapon, dealing damage to all enemies near the beam. Costs 1 power point.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Blast: Strong vs. Structures
» Can only attack ground units
Reinforced: Weak vs. BlastAbilities:
» Area damage increases while continuing to target one location
Requirements: 25 sec, 12 Po, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 900
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Disruption Tower
Reinforced: Weak vs. BlastAbilities:
» Shield Sphere, Stealth Mode
» Improved Concealment, Enhanced Shields
Requirements: 20 sec, 10 Po, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 500
Shield Hitpoints: 750/1500
Stealth mode: Project a stealth field around nearby allies.
Shield Sphere: Project a dome shield which must be destroyed or entered before the units inside can be attacked. Units inside can fire out.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.
Improved Concealment (Structure Upgrade):
Increases the dodge bonus provided by stealth from the Outpost, Disruption Tower, and Burrow Tunnel.
Enhanced Shields (Structure Upgrade):
Increases the shield health and regeneration of the MCV and Disruption Tower.
Temple of Nod
Reinforced: Weak vs. BlastAbilities:
» Tiberium Catalyst Missile, Emergency Detonation (missile detonates when structure is destroyed)
» Limited to one active superweapon
Requirements: 25 sec, 15 Po, Tier 3
Hitpoints: 1125
Tiberium Catalyst Missile: Longer charge times between attacks adds more abilities.
>> Stage one: Deals massive damage at targeted location.
>> Stage two: Also leaves a Tiberium Corrosive Cloud, damaging units over time and reducing armor.
>> Stage three: Also causes a Tiberium chain reaction, hitting many nearby targets for additional damage.
Dismantle: Dismantle this, refunding its power point cost.