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C&C4 3v3 Challenge Ladder Updated!

By Bardman - 5th December 2010 - 14:17 PM

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*** Updated with rule changes of 5th December highlighted in red ***


Welcome to the GameReplays.org Command and Conquer 4 3v3 challenge ladder! Looking for high quality matches against organised teams? Want to brag about your mad C&C4 skillz and have something to back it up with? Want to have the most (legal) fun you can have with a mouse in your hand? We have the answer!

The GameReplays.org Command and Conquer 4 challenge ladder gives you all these things and more. Read on to find out how.

Challenge Ladder

So what is the challenge ladder? The name is in fact a bit of a giveaway. Its a ladder system for C&C4 teams where advancement up the ladder or movement down the ladder is dictated based on the results of "challenge" matches.

A challenge match is 2 games of C&C4 and occurs when a team on the ladder "challenges" the team immediately above them. If the challenger wins, the two teams exchange places on the ladder. If the challenger loses, they are pushed down the ladder by one place.

This is summarised into 3 simple rules:
  1. You can challenge either the team immediately above you or the team two places above you
  2. If the challenger wins the teams switch places
  3. If the challenger loses it moves one position down the ladder (two if you challenged the team two places above you), and the challenged team retains its position
Lets show an example with four teams, a,b,c, and d:

Position 1a
Position 2b
Position 3c
Position 4d

Now, team c challenges team b to a match. If team c beats team b in the match then the ladder looks like this:

Position 1a
Position 2c
Position 3b
Position 4d

Teams b and c swap places

But, if team c loses to team b, then the ladder looks like this:

Position 1a
Position 2b
Position 3d
Position 4c

Team b retains its position, and team c moves down one place

*** The current challenge ladder can be found here ***

Challenging a team and acknowledging challenges

To challenge the team above you, simply post your challenge in the challenge thread. Make sure to include your team's name, the name of the team you are challenging, the map you are going to challenge them on, and the faction you will take for the first game (see challenge matches below for more details).

You cannot challenge a team if that team is subject to an unresolved challenge, you must wait until the results of that challenge have been decided.

The team being challenged must acknowledge the challenge by replying in the challenge thread quoting the challenge post. If you do not acknowledge the challenge within 72 hours of it being posted then your team is deemed to have forfeited the match. If a team forfeits 3 consecutive matches due to not acknowledging challenges they will be removed from the ladder.

Challenge Matches

Each match consists of 2 games played on a map of the challengers choosing. Each game will be played in 3v3 format, with observers only if both teams agree to the observer. The challenger chooses which faction (GDI or Nod) they will play with for the first game. For the second game, the same map is used, but the teams swap factions.

The team with the largest points total of the two games wins the match.

The game settings to be used are:
  • Victory points: 2500
  • Lethality: Medium
  • Time limit: 60 minutes
  • Goal point multiplier: x1
  • Unit kill multiplier: x1
  • Reveal map: Off
  • Random crates: Off
Any of the official maps can be nominated by the challenging team.

It is up to the two teams to agree on the time and date that the challenge match takes place.

No fill ins are allowed for challenge matches, teams can only play with registered players for that team. If one or more players cannot play, then the match proceeds with the players who can.

In the event of player dropouts in the first 60 seconds of a game (as measured by the in game clock), the game should be restarted. The game should continue if any players drop out after the first 60 seconds.


Teams must stay active on the ladder or they will start to lose their ranking. If a team does not participate in a challenge (or is not subject to an open challenge) for a period of one month, that team will drop 5 places on the ladder. The countdown clock for the month begins at the conclusion of the team's last open challenge (either by winning, losing, forfeiting, or not completing the challenge within 14 days).

Posting Results

When the challenge match has been completed, the replays of both games must be uploaded to GameReplays and the title must include both team names and the game number.

The results of the challenge match must then be posted in the challenge thread (quoting the original challenge) including the results of each game (point scores) and links to each of the replays.

The teams have exactly 14 days (336 hours) from the time of challenge being issued to post the results back onto this site. If the results are not posted with 14 days, both teams will be sent to the bottom of the ladder

Registering Teams

The challenge ladder is open to any team who wants to join. To join the challenge ladder you must register your team. To register your team, post your team details in the registration thread.

Details to add into the post include:
  • Team name
  • Team captain's name (needs to be a registered GameReplays account)
  • In game name of each of the players (players must use these in game names when playing
  • Country of each of the players in the team
  • Backup email address to be used if there are problems PM'ing the team captain
Each team can have up to 4 registered players.

You can register a team to join the ladder at any time. New teams registering will be added to the bottom of the ladder in the order that they register.

If you do not have a team yet, and would like to build/join one, you can try our teambuilding thread.

Questions / Discussion

If you have any questions at all about the challenge ladder, or want to discuss it further please post in the Q&A / Discussion thread. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can on any questions.

Thats all there is to it. So, get your teams together, register them up, and start challenging!

** Special thanks to Sitcom for creating the ladder graphics **