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Command and Conquer 4

2 Fos vs 2 KC

#1Wombat  Nov 20 2010, 12:46 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
A very good game, KC was pulling ahead with over a 1500pts lead when GDI pulled it back to win by just 100 pts. Both teams did well and credit to KC for a good game.
#2wis775  Nov 20 2010, 13:15 PM -
Replays: 0
Realy a great game between KC and FoS, as long we didn't play so often games as 2vs2. We had a great come back, as Wombat changed to Defence and I to Support.
#3Zolex  Feb 1 2013, 18:59 PM -
Replays: 5
Fos OMG smile.gif
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