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Command and Conquer 4

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#1~NoBody~  Nov 12 2011, 05:09 AM -
Replays: 25 Game:
was a fun game
#2Sunreflos  Nov 13 2011, 14:26 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Going to be brutally honest about this replay. I didn't find it very interesting or enjoyable. Though this game mat have been "fun" for you I highly doubt it was for the other team. I also don't think many people want to watch a game where a fairly organized team "Steamrolls" an unorganized team filled with randoms. If anyone wanted to see a game like this, they could just organize it up real quick and hop on some smurf accounts. This is the only replay of yours that I don't like, but I have watched the other 3 you recently posted and those were much much better. Nothing against you or anything just think about the other team. I know I wouldn't want a replay of me getting smashed on GR ever.
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