Only registered players will be allowed to check-in. Check-ins will be open from 13:00-13:55 GMT. At 13:55 or when all players have checked in the brackets will be created and made official. Remember the brackets will be shuffled just after check-ins close.
Keep in mind check-ins open 1 hour before the event's scheduled 14:00 GMT, and timezone difference can be cross-checked with the timer on the home page.
Only registered players will be allowed to check-in. Check-ins will be open from 13:00-13:55 GMT. At 13:55 or when all players have checked in the brackets will be created and made official. Remember the brackets will be shuffled just after check-ins close.
Keep in mind check-ins open 1 hour before the event's scheduled 14:00 GMT, and timezone difference can be cross-checked with the timer on the home page.
Replay thread
Please make sure you include your in-game id when checking in, and please make sure to save the replays.
SupCom2 SE #4 checked-in players:
This post has been edited by cwedvin: Dec 19 2020, 19:40 PM
Posts: 10,856
Clan: m8s