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Zergling Round-Up: Episode 9 ft./ jEcho

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# 1LGShaft Jul 30 2012, 23:51 PM
iS.jEcho joins the Clan EAT Casting Crew in this week's Zergling Round-Up. A player known for his odd choices of strategy, he claims to play "standard," and is a bit confused by claims he has an esoteric style--but that is a conclusion left to the viewer after watching some of the most exciting matches seen on the internet in quite some time!

As a player, jEcho has been top of the NA ladder for quite some time. He has never enjoyed quite the popular success as some of his Zerg compatriots like Ret, Sheth, or Idra, but certainly with play like this, it won't be long!

Part 0: Introductions- Staff + jEcho introduce themselves, and explain the format of the show [ http://blip.tv/theonlyshaft/zru9jecho-p0-i...uctions-6276346 ]
Part 1: jEcho vs BADBADMAN (ZvP) & jEcho vs SmugUK (ZvT) [ http://blip.tv/theonlyshaft/zru9jecho-p1-6276605 ]
Part 2: jEcho vs SCDKorlith (ZvT) [ http://blip.tv/theonlyshaft/zru9jecho-p2-6276579 ]
Part 3: jEcho vs ExO (ZvP) [ http://blip.tv/theonlyshaft/zru9jecho-p3-6276668 ]

The Clan EAT Casting Crew is a menagerie of individuals dedicated to bringing the community the best games, tutorials, and casting possible. This event, and others like it, are available at 10 PM EST on Monday and Thursday nights in Starcraft 2 channel Clan EAT, or twitch.tv/theonlyshaft

Posts: 125

Game: StarCraft 2


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