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Posted by: uriel3ca3 Jun 29 2007, 02:51 AM

Imperial Guard
Games Workshop, Relic Entertainment

Games Workshop

The Imperial Guard is the largest and most diverse organisation the galaxy has ever seen, containing billions of men from a million different worlds, united under the banner of the Imperium of Man. The entire diversity of the massive Imperium is encapsulated in its ranks.
Despite its awesome power, however, the Imperial Guard constantly struggles to protect the Imperium from its many enemies. The mighty Tyranid hive fleets batter at the Eastern Fringe, Ork Waaagh!s erupt without warning or pause, the damned Traitor Legions pour from the Eye of Terror hungry for Mankind’s souls, mysterious Eldar raiders strike without mercy, the ancient Necrons sally from their tomb worlds and numerous emergent empires, such as the Tau, rise up to challenge Humanity’s mastery. Against these diverse and often incomprehensible threats, the Imperial Guard pits human resolve and ingenuity in an unending battle with an inimical universe.
In the midst of genetically engineered super-beings, alien killing machines, warrior mystics, and technology that approaches sorcery in its sophistication, the Imperial Guard are mere soldiers. Clad in a flak jacket and carrying a lasgun, they have to contend with the most terrifying threats, relying on numbers, massed firepower and a bayonet with some guts behind it. As such it is easy to identify with these brave souls and to see in them the qualities of true heroes.

Relic Entertainment

The Imperium of Man is beset in all quarters by perfidious traitors from within, savage aliens from without, and Warp-spawned fiends from beyond. Across countless warzones, the warriors of the Imperial Guard form the staunch backbone of the desperate war to hold back the relentless tides of the Imperium's enemies.


This guide is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

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Posted by: uriel3ca3 Jun 29 2007, 02:53 AM

The Imperial Art of War
Written by Governor-Militant DAS CAPN and archived by Commisar Uriel
A Guide to Structure Function and Technology
A Guide to Unit Detail and Performance
A Guide to General BOs and faction-specific strategies

Posted by: uriel3ca3 Jun 29 2007, 02:53 AM

Structures and Tiers
A Guide to Structure Function and Technology

Foreword on Imperial Guard structures

IG buildings are weaker then most races’'buildings, but are also cheaper for the most part and have other special features as well. Every unit producing building increases your pop limit for that buildings type of unit (Mech commands increase vehicle cap, infantry commands increase infantry cap). Every building except turrets and mine fields also project a field of control around them so that other buildings can be built nearby. Also, every unit producing building (except for mars command) and listening posts have bunkers and tunnels connecting them to other buildings. This makes the IG naturally good at defending. Units that occupy a bunker will be able to fire out of them with the bunkers weapons, and may travel between bunkered buildings via tunnel networks.

Tier1 Structures

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Field Command
Cost: IPB Image 700, IPB Image 150

The field command, being your HQ building allows you to produce Techpreists, your builder unit. It also allows you to produce Guardsmen squads, which are your capper unit, as well as your main combat infantry. The field command also plays a very important role throughout the tiers besides just to tech to the next one. The field command is able to produce commisars in t1, and contains the upgrades to make Psykers, Priests, and the assassin available in later tiers. it also gains the long range scanner ability once a Tactica Control is built.

Note that cost indicated is actually the cost of the second Field Command you build, which costs +250 IPB Image and +150 IPB Image compared to the first Field Command. This means that if you do not have any Field Commands, the one you build will only cost 450 IPB Image and 0 IPB Image.

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Infantry Command
Cost: IPB Image 125, IPB Image 0

Infantry commands produce all the infantry units available to the Imperial Guard, as well as the Command Squad, the Imperial guards main commander unit. Guardsmen, heavy weapon teams, and the Command squad may all be purchased right away when you are in the appropriate tier. However, to produce Ogryn or Kasrkin squads, you must first buy a Ogryn or Kasrkin quarters (kasrkin quarters for kasrkin squads, and ogryn quarters for ogryn squads, but I'm sure you could have figured that one out on your own!) the infantry command also makes Commisars available to be built at the field command.

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Listening Post
Cost: IPB Image 100, IPB Image 0

Building these on strategic points increases the requisition resource they produce, it also makes the point unable to be de-capped until it is destroyed. Like any other races listening post, it can be upgraded to produce more requisition as well as gain a turret that can fire upon enemies. Unlike other races listening posts however, Imperial Guard listening posts are more useful because they contain bunkers and tunnels, which will aid you in quickly moving your troops around the field.

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Plasma Generator
Cost: IPB Image 165, IPB Image 0

It's a power generator. It generates power. 'nuff said.

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Thermo Plasma Generator
Cost: IPB Image 250, IPB Image 0

The Thermo Plasma Generator is only available in T2, and can only be build on an empty Slag Deposit. When built, the Thermo Generator will generate 4 times as much power as a normal generator at a more efficient cost. However, losing this generator will also mean losing a large chunk of your power income.

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Tactica Control
Cost: IPB Image 175, IPB Image 50

The Tactica Control is the Imperial Guards armory building. It has a slew of upgrades to make guardsmen more effective as well as allowing heavy weapons to be purchased for guardsmen. It also has an upgrade for the Command squad, and upgrades for your elite infantry in T3. It also provides field command with the long range scanner ability, as well as the ability to purchase the Telepathica Temple which allows for the production of sanctioned Psykers.

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Heavy Bolter Turret
Cost: IPB Image 90, IPB Image 30

The Heavy Bolter turret is the IG turret building, only available after a Infantry Command is built. As turrets can be built anywhere, it is not uncommon to place a turret a forward or contested locations to provide additional firepower (as the IG turret has strong damage versus most early infantry). The Heavy Bolter turret can be upgraded to a Missile Turret at T2 to be effective against vehicles.

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Mine Field
Cost: IPB Image 50, IPB Image 50

A Mine Field can be constructed anywhere and causes damage to enemy units walking over it (as well as sending infantry units flying). After construction, a mine field is permanently infiltrated and may only be detected by detector units and commanders. The mine's blast will affect infiltrated units walking over it as well.

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Battle Command (Field Command upgrade)
Cost: IPB Image 250, IPB Image 150

Same as your t1 field command, except now you can buy the ministorum temple, which allows the HQ to produce priests, a support unit that excels at tying up units as well as providing bonuses for your troops. Researching Battle Command also moves you up to tier 2, where you can now build the Mechanized Command, as well as requisition the Heavy Weapons Team from the Infantry Command.

Tier2 Structures

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Mechanized Command
Cost: IPB Image 200, IPB Image 125

Mechanized command is the IGs vehicle producing building. Initially, it can only produce chimeras, but hellhound, sentinel, basilisk, and later Leman Russ depots can all be purchased to make their respective vehicle available.

Tier3 Upgrade

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Regimental Command (Field Command upgrade)
Cost: IPB Image 300, IPB Image 300

The same as the T2 HQ, except, now you are able to purchase the Vindicare temple, which allows you to produce the assassin. Researching Regimental Command also moves you up to tier 3, allowing you new researches as well as new units at the Infantry Command.

Tier4 Upgrade

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Full Scale War
Cost: IPB Image 400, IPB Image 400

Researched at the Mechanized Command, this upgrade escalates the engagement into a Full Scale War. What it does is effectively moving you into tier 4, where you can build the Leman Russ from the Mechanized Command, as well as build the Mars Pattern Command from which the formidable Baneblade can be requisitioned from.

Tier 4 Structure

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Mars Pattern Command
Cost: IPB Image 200, IPB Image 50

AAAAAHHHH SKEEEEEET! This is the building that gives birth to the greatest weapon the Imperial guard have available to them. It's only available in T4 though. Be careful where you place this building, because aside from being the largest building in the game, it is also fairly weak, and it's no fun when this behemoth gets spotted and taken out before you get your toy out to play with. Like mechanized commands, Mars pattern command increases your vehicle cap; however, it does not have bunkers or tunnels like most other buildings.

Posted by: uriel3ca3 Jun 29 2007, 02:54 AM

Units and Usage
A Guide to Unit Detail and Performance

Tier1 Units

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Techpriest Enginseer
Requires: Field Command
Cost: IPB Image 90, IPB Image 0, Hard Cap: 3

Techpriests are the Imperial guard builder units, they are unique having several good and bad qualities.
smile.gif Good: Techpriests have commander armor which makes them more durable then most builders. Also, they repair buildings faster and for less resources then most races. One other cool thing is that they also have an attack which makes them able to tie up ranged units, plus they can be put into a bunker-able building to give it some firepower.
sad.gif Bad: Techpriests are built very slow compared to most builder units and move relatively slow to which can make them a real pain to replace, especially in the heat of combat. If you don’t set them to hold ground stance they often get the idea to commit an untimely suicide by running at enemy troops.

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Guardsmen Squad
Requires: Field Command (can also be built from Infantry Command)
Cost: IPB Image 160, IPB Image 0, IPB Image 2

Ok these guys are the footslogging main force of the imperial guard. They aren’t very big, nor very fast, and they aren’t very strong, but learn to love your guardsmen and they will love you back. Being your main military unit as well as your capper squads, guardsmen are available directly from the HQ. In small numbers they are extremely weak, in large numbers they are still pretty weak do to their low morale, but when you add in a commisar, a command squad for disruption, or upgrades at tactica control you will find that these guys actually have quite a wonderful damage output for their cost. There are a variety of upgrades that make guardsmen better; they also get grenade launchers made available after tactica control, and plasma guns after t2. Commander units can also be attached to them to bolster their effectiveness.

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Command Squad
Requires: Infantry Command
Cost: IPB Image 120, IPB Image 25, IPB Image 2, Hard Cap: 1

The command squad will be your main commander unit. Instead of having one strong commander, the command squad is made up of multiple weaker units which can make it more expensive and weak at times, but overall more flexible then most commanders. Although later on in the game the CS can fulfill multiple rolls, in T1 it will be your main tank and harass/building killer unit. always have this unit in front of your guardsmen when charging enemy lines, not only does the commander armor make it much more durable then guardsmen, but the first attack the CS always does when entering melee combat is a disruption attack which will fling entire armies on their ass for long enough for you guardsmen to move into place and begin pelting them with las. Also, the command squad's speed makes it invaluable for taking out fast capping units. When hunting cappers make sure to set it to ranged stance so it actually does damage instead of just throwing things around.

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Requires: Field Command, Infantry Command
Cost: IPB Image 80, IPB Image 40, IPB Image 0, Hard Cap: 3

Commisars, available after an infantry command is built, will be the units that keep your army in line. When attached to a squad, they increase its morale by 200. They also increase its moral and HP regeneration. However, the most useful ability by far the commisar gets is execute. Execute is available in t2, it causes the commisar to kill a member of the squad he is attached to, which in turns restores the morale to all guardsmen in a small radius around him, and making them gain a damage bonnus (slightly more than 200%). It must be noted that execute also effects hellguns, which in turn makes kasrkin that much pwnier. So I know it sounds funny, but killing your own men actually gives you a better chance of winning the fight.

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Sanctioned Psyker
Requires: Field Command, Telepathica Temple
Cost: IPB Image 100, IPB Image 50, IPB Image 0, Hard Cap: 3

To be honest I don’t really know why psykers are able to be attached. perhaps because they have low hp. other then to keep them alive, there is really no point to attach a psyker to a squad because two of their abilities, strip soul and lightning arc, deal morale damage to the squad they are attached to.


Strip soul: strip soul does a good amount of damage to a single humanoid unit. It can target the leader of any squad, so it is especially useful for taking out weakened commander units which have been attached to a squad.

Lightning arc: lighting arc can be used in t2, and what a useful ability it is! It does a large amount of morale damage to any infantry squad, it also does a small amount of hp damage I think.

Curse Of The Machine Spirit: commonly referred to as CoTMS, the curse will temporarily stop an enemy vehicle from moving or firing its weapons, think of it as his mad brain haxx. it is no longer effective as AV by itself, but when used in conjunction with other AV units it is still quite good.

Tier 2 units

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Heavy Weapons Team
Requires: Infantry Command, Battle Command
Cost: IPB Image 250, IPB Image 50, IPB Image 2

Heavy weapon teams bring awesome fire power with incredible range to the guard’s arsenal. Available after t2, hwt's come standard with a heavy bolter, but can be upgraded to a lascannon immediately. Once hitting t3 you may then upgrade a hwt to have an autocannon. Heavy bolters are excellent vs infantry, however lascannons arent’ that great do to their tendency to lose about half of their damage missing the target... With sentinels you have a much better option, however they can still be useful if you are in need of some quick AV and you have an hwt near the front, especially if you don’t have a mech command up yet. Best used in conjunction with cotms. Autocannons do good damage vs all targets, and have even better range then heavy bolters. Keep in mind though that hwts are still fragile and should be kept away from enemy troops.

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Requires: Battle Command, Ministorum Temple
Cost: IPB Image 80, IPB Image 50, IPB Image 0, Hard cap: 3

Priests are very useful both as to increase your army’s effectiveness as well as to harass the enemies generators and points. Priests move quickly and do tremendous damage in close combat, however they don’t have a ranged attack and don’t have a lot of hp. when attached to a squad they increase its damage, its hp, and its speed! so don’t underestimate these walking steroid machines. Once you hit t3, they also gain the fanaticism ability, which makes the squad they are attached to immune to damage for a few seconds.

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Requires: Mechanized Command
Cost: IPB Image 100, IPB Image 70, IPB Image 1, Hard cap: 6

Chimeras are an extremely useful vehicle, and end up being one of the first ones you want to build in most cases. Why? because guardsmen are quite slow and weak, and chimeras give them mobility and protection. They are very useful for things like harassing, or avoiding having all your little gmen blasted on the way into battle, but also for escaping situations like a few warp spider squads jumping in right next to you. If you are playing with massed guardsmen, then chimeras will be your best friend in t2. They have guns on the side of them that can be manned by troops inside of them much like bunkers, however they do miniscule amounts of damage so I wouldn’t bother with them. Chimeras also come with a multilaser attached, which is a relatively good weapon vs all armor types, they don’t do so good on there own, but a few chimeras can do quite a bit of damage. Chimeras are also the only vehicle that doesn’t require a depot, so you can build them right away after you finish a mechanized command.

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Requires: Mechanized Command, Sentinel Depot
Cost: IPB Image 150, IPB Image 150, IPB Image 2

Sentinels are also an extremely useful vehicle for a few reasons. For one, they are probably your most efficient and reliable AV unit in t2-3. They are speedy, have good range, and do great damage to most vehicle and building types (however look out, they do ridiculously bad damage to vehicle high armor, like killa kanz) so it’s a good idea to have a few of these things behind your guardsmen whenever you try to push. Sentinels also happen to have the nifty ability to decap points, that coupled with there speed and building damage makes them a good harass unit, and probably the best unit you will get for shutting down the take and hold timer. Keep in mind that although they are vehicles, they are still extremely weak, so try and keep them out of combat as much as possible.

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Requires: Mechanized Command, Hellhound depot
Cost: IPB Image 150, IPB Image 150, IPB Image 2

Hellhounds have good and bad points about them. The good is that they are relatively cheap, they do a very large radius of area damage, and they break morale like a rabid chinchilla in your pants. Plus they are also very effective at taking down buildings, especially ones backed closely together. The bad is, they are about the strongest tank you get until t4, and they are still pretty weak, their depot is fairly expensive, and they have a pretty short range. Still, these things can be very useful in the right situation, like if your opponent hasn’t mixed much AV into their army, or if you need to quickly take down a clump of buildings (such as waaagh banner farms). In t3, hellhounds gain the "Let it burn" ability, which temporarily lights a patch of ground on fire. Units caught in the initial flames take damage, and then anything that lingers in the area will take extra damage.

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Requires: Mechanized Command, Basilisk Depot
Cost: IPB Image 150, IPB Image 300, IPB Image 3, Hard cap: 3

Basilisks used to be my favorite unit, and while still quite fun, they are not very practical in this patch. They are very expensive, and very weak, and very slow. The upside is that they have extremely long range and deal damage and disruption in a fairly large area, however they are so slow at firing and moving that there is a good chance you won’t do much damage with these things before the enemy gets something around to destroying them. In t3 they gain the Earthshaker round ability, which allows them to fire an extremely powerful shot that has an extremely large radius of damage, but will set you back 200/200.

Tier 3 units

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Vindicare Assassin
Requires: Regimental Command, Vindicare Temple
Cost: IPB Image 200, IPB Image 100, IPB Image 0, Hard cap: 1

The assassin is one of the most fantabulous units you can get your hands on, but you only get one so don’t hug him too hard! Unfortunately for those in the vindi fan club, he has received numerous nerfs since last patch so he isn’t as effective as he once was. If you are going to get him, make sure you buy the infiltration upgrade first thing, he never was any good in gym class but he is top notch at hide-and-seek. Useful for spotting enemy movements if he is infiltrated. Also he takes out most infantry units in one shot but reloads slow, so make sure not to waste him by having him pick away and low priority targets like Slugga squads and the such. Sadly he doesn’t do very good commander damage anymore, however he still does decent damage to commanders. I would only use him on low hp commanders such as big meks, ethereals and the tau commander, otherwise you would probably do more damage just having him shoot squads.

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Requires: Infantry Command, Kasrkin Quarters
Cost: IPB Image 200, IPB Image 100, IPB Image 3, Hard cap: 1

These guys are the powdered donuts of the ig army! They are pretty much guardsmen but fancier in every way. They also happen to be my favorite infantry unit. Available in t3 they come standard with better health then guardsmen, and with good damage and some truly extreme range. They also get a nifty frag grenade which has a very large radius, does good damage, and does great moral damage. it recharges pretty quickly so use it often. Like guardsmen kasrkins can also be upgraded with either grenade launchers or plasma, plus the get 2 upgrades at tactica, one giving them more health, the other making them quicker. With an attached priest and the speed upgrade, these guys can move like speedy gonzales! Also, execute effects their hellguns so if you have a guardsmen squad near by for execution, these guys can really start pumping out some tremendous damage.

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Requires: Infantry Command, Ogryn Quarters
Cost: IPB Image 180, IPB Image 60, IPB Image 3, Hard cap: 1

Finally, the imperial guard gets to do some bashing! These guys are pretty much the only melee units the guard gets if you don’t count their commanders. Only available in t3, but worth it, with the damage upgrade and an attached priest Ogryns have a truly frightening damage output. Since the last patch they have lost much of their building bashing powers, but they are a lot beefier now and don’t die nearly as quick.

Tier 4 units

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Leman Russ
Requires: Full Scale War, Mechanized Command, Leman Russ Depot
Cost: IPB Image 150, IPB Image 300, IPB Image 5, Hard cap: 2

I really like the leman russ, they take a while to build because of the depot, but after you get them out they are a very good unit. They sport three heavy bolters which do ballz for damage and fire and a fairly close range, but they also have a main battle cannon, which does good damage to most units although it is primarily an AV weapon and has an incredible range (yea, its even longer then the Hammerheads range). Also, these things are your first tank with a decent amount of hp, so you can actually have them act as a tank, pushing in first to take fire off of your infantry. Make sure you have more then one mech command for these babies though as they take up a whopping 5 pop each.

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Requires: Full Scale War, Mars Pattern Command
Cost: IPB Image 400, IPB Image 400, IPB Image 3, Hard cap: 1

The bane blade is the Biggest, Baddest, Buddist, Ballsiest tank in all of the imperium. It requires a relic to get, but is extremely durable, and extremely good at blowing stuff up. It has excellent disruption with two weapons that will knock infantry down, great infantry damage with most of its weapons aimed at killing infantry, and good vehicle and building damage 2 lascannons. Make sure if you do end up getting the bane blade that you have a Techpriest behind it repairing it, as that will further increase its durability. Also keep in mind that the bane blade is huge and so is mars pattern command, so make sure to put mars pattern command in a place where the baneblade will be able to escape out into the world.

Posted by: uriel3ca3 Jun 29 2007, 02:54 AM

General Strategy
A Guide to General BOs and Strategy

DAS CAP'N's IG General BO

ok, well first of all, i only really have 1 all purpose build order that I use every game, I just adapt the initial build order to counter whatever strategy I am being hit with. I’m not saying that this is the only build order that will ever win, but its the build order that I like, and so its the build order that I always use.

for reference, gm=Guardsmen squad tp=techpriest ic=infantry command cs=command squad

DAS CAP'N's 1 size fits all build order:

HQ:gm, gm, tp, gm
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initial orders: have your first techpriest start building an IC, preferably by an LP if there is one close enough. Send your first two guardsmen out to cap points, on maps like shrine of excellion, it is generally more favorable to start out the outside most points and work your way back to your HQ. After the 1st TP has finished constructing your IC, start building a CS and have your techpriest begin building a generator, when the second techpriest is finished have him help finish the generator. Then have them construct an LP as soon as they are done with that. As soon as your CS is finished building, start reinforcing a priest.

CS harassment:
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a good cs harass is probably the most important part of ig's early game. in most situations you will want to take out the enemy capping units, because they are normally pretty weak, and if you take them out you can somewhat cripple your nemies economy. so a good starting move with the cs is to swing them by an enemy lp and attack some cappers. in general when you cs harass, you want to set them to ranged stance because your cs' first melee attack is always a non-damaging disruption attack. while the disruption is extremely useful when fighting masses, it generally just tosses cappers around but doesn’t really stop them from doing anything. the generals ranged attack just does damage, and some pretty amazing damage at that, only problem is it is pretty inaccurate.

Faction-specific strategies

vs. Space Marines
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ASM(assault marine) mass:
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in most cases when you get hit with ASM, it will be after your CS is already halfway to the enemy base, but that’s ok. That’s where you want it. If it looks like you are going to get hit with an ASM mass reinforce a commisar in your CS and take it over to the enemy base. If you can, take out the scouts on the way in, but make your way to the barracks. Attack the barracks with your CS, if any servitors start repairing it switch to ranged stance to take them out. This will force the enemy to either lose their barracks (which will hurt a lot) or give up map control. Back at your base you should be capping/dancing the ASM squads. If an ASM squad jumps right next to a gm squad capping a point, you may as well give it up as they are going to decap it right afterwards, and most likely you are going to lose a gm or two. Just try to drop lps as soon as possible to minimize the amount of decaps. If you perform correctly, you should arrive in t2 first (as ASMs are very expensive), when you do so drop a mech command quickly. Then either use a combination of plasma and chimeras or plasma and hellhounds. Either can work, but depending on the map one can be better then the other.

The no gen FC/marine mass:
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Most of the time this is still the SM build that gives me the most problems, but luckily since DC came along, most people bother more with techier builds instead of no gen builds. When encountering this build you aren’t going to know what’s happening right away, so you should be harassing and pushing like normal, however when you realize that you are facing more marines then you can handle you should fall back to a position you can defend easily (like an lp2). If he continues to push (which he will if he knows what he is doing with his build) then you are probably going to need grenade launchers to break his mass down. Don’t fill up though, you still want plasma, 1-2 GLs on each squad should do it. then get to T2 and go for either quick vehicles or plasma... if you do decide to go quick vehicles do it QUICK, because chances are that he is still going to have quite a few marines left over so getting AV wont be a problem.

vs. Tau Empire
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vs tau there are 2 main things that really hold their early game together, and if you get rid of those it shouldn’t be to hard to win. those two things are: stealth suits and the Tau commander. luckily, the command squad is very well suited to deal with both. Now normally you would think of doing a psyker first with your command squad in order to take out a stealth suit or two right off the bat, but i still prefer the priest first because although getting a few stealthsuits is rewarding, it can be very risky. for example, if the tau decides to do a vespid/tc rush, a command squad with just a psyker is going to be ill equipped to deal with, or escape from that battle. if he doesn’t vespid/tc rush then a psyker first works great, but I don’t like to play it risky. Basically just try to take out the tau commander, and if you see any stealthsuits stop to pick them off real quick. Normally you will end up losing some map control early but after you get the TC out of the way you should be able to regain it rather easily. After the TC is out of the way you have a few options. if he doesn’t have very many fire warrior squads out yet you can just try to rush in there and tie them up with your guardsmen as your CS bashes there buildings. Or you can hold down the fort, go into t2 and come out with some armored fury. I prefer chimeras first when I’m t2 because it makes it very easy to get your guardsmen all up in his shizzle.

vs. Necrons
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Basically with Necrons you just want to keep him away from your base for as long as you can while you build up on economy and tech. my basic strategy whenever facing Necrons is to harass just as hard as you can with the CS, it doesn’t matter to much if you really even kill anything, you just want to keep him in his base for as long as possible. While this is happening you should be capping the map with your guardsmen and lping as much as possible. In this MU you might even end up with another tech priest on larger maps so you can build generators as well as LPs in several different places at once. Once you have a decent economy start t2 and build a Tactica. You should try not to LP2 anything that is likely to get attacked, as it really isn’t going to stop anything.

You should start buying upgrades for and reinforcing your guardsmen during the t2 transfer as they will need all the uberness they can muster here. As soon as you are t2 start getting priests and upgrade satellite targeting resolution and weapon specialization right away. Give your guardsmen plasma while that is going on. Hopefully if your timing is right the Necron has been marching through your outer most LPs and is right about at your base by now, but as long as he isn’t in the middle of t2 as well you should be able to beat him off, retake the map, and then push on his base. Chimeras and hellhounds can be particularly useful as support vehicles in this MU. your going to be doing a lot of hit and runs for the rest of the game as you probably wont be able to finish him off for awhile, but you should be able to run in take down a few gens or some more valuable building and then jet back out in a chimera. Just keep grinding him down until he is weak enough to finish.

vs. Chaos
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Raptor harass into t3 tech:
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The counter to this can be sort of map dependant, but most of the time the best way to beat it is to counter harass his initial harass. make sure to drop as many LPs as you can before he decaps them. I would take 1 guardsmen squad and your CS to his base, which will allow you to kill any heretics and cultists fairly easily and then decap any un-LPed points of his while you can dance the Raptor back in your base with your 2 guardsmen while hopefully still getting a few LPs up. if you manage to take out his builders and/or cappers he should be fairly crippled in which case you can try to bash on his base some more or you can come back and push the raptors out of yours. Either way you should end up with the tech and economical advantage to crush him in T2 before he ever gets to T3.

vs. Eldar
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vs Eldar there are two different ways to play which are normally fairly map dependant. The first way you start with the standard build order, and should focus on getting your points and then capturing a contested point if the map happens to have one. This can be very difficult because of the speed and damage of most Eldar units, but you should try to use your CS and loose guardsmen squads to tie up reapers and or rangers while a guardsmen squad caps a contested point, and then LP it as soon as you can. After you have a point secured like this you should play mostly defensive until t2. If necessary, drop a turret or get grenade launchers. In t2 you should be aiming to get out priests, plasma, a chimera, and sentinels. the order in which you get them is dependant on what your enemy is doing (remember to use your scanners often!) but I prefer to get a chimera out first so that I can attempt to keep up with the Eldar and stop potential harasses. In the later game, you should have a chimera following your troops at all times so that they can jump in at a moments notice in case of warp spider ambushes. Also you may want to drop an HWT at an outside point to fend off Fire Dragon harasses while you are pushing.

The other strategy you can try consists of a 2 guardsmen BO instead of the standard 3. After dropping the infantry command, have one of your Techpriests drop a turret at one of your outside points and then try to turtle and eco boom until you are t2, then follow the t2 instructions mentioned in the previous strategy.

vs. Orks
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vs Orks more then any other match-up you will be playing very reactionary. Start your build order the same as you would, and the real only rule after that is to keep scouting areas and try as hard as you can to not let them get map control. Because Orks have so many directions they can go in strategy wise, the units you use will most of the time depend on what they try to do. If his timing is good, one of the hardest strats to beat can be a mass shoota boy rush. This can be difficult because you need to tie up shoota squads with your CS while trying to avoid the big mek with them as well, in this situation it is often best to focus on the big mek with your guardsmen first, as after he is gone your cs will have a much easier time of things. Also, a guardsmen squad with a commisar attached will normally beat a shoota squad in close combat, so you can use that to tie up another squad as well. Also, if he goes for fast big shootas, the range of grenade launchers makes them quite good at taking out weak shootas, but watch out for the big mek porting in with an attached squad.

Make sure to use your scanner a lot in this matchup, because Orks bases are not easily penetrated so the scanner will be your best bet for finding out what your opponent is trying to do. For example, if he is holding back, you aren’t going to know if he is trying to tech to t3, or vehicle rushing. So make sure you scan often, if you see a lot of gens, or a mek shop then he is most likely going for vehicles, in which case you will need sentinels. But if you just see waaagh banner after waaagh banner going up, you should get some hellhounds and plasma squads out to tear them all down before he can get a t3 army out.

If he goes for a mass melee army like nobs or stormboyz, you can use chimeras to constantly ferry your guardsmen away, drop them so they can take some shots, and then speed them off again when the Orks get close.

Mirror Match
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Coming soon!

Tactica Control
Key units and upgrades

Upgrades and Weapons (aka, phat lewtz)


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Grenade launchers (GL):
Requires: Tactica Control
Cost: 20 IPB Image, 15 IPB Image

Grenade launchers are available for both guardsmen and kasrkin squads. They are available in t1 after your tactica command has been built. They are good t1 weapons, and are useful in some situations in later tiers. GLs have some pretty extreme range, outranging SM and Chaos Heavy Bolters (but not the HWT variant). They also do pretty good damage, have a damage radius, and have a chance to knock down the units they hit which is extremely useful. The downside however, is that they have a minimum range of 15, and have a set up time which means they can't be fired on the move.

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Plasma Gun
Requires: Tactica Control, Battle Command
Cost: 35 IPB Image, 15 IPB Image

Plasma guns are my favorite weapon the guard gets. Like GLs, they are available for both guardsmen and kasrkin. Unlike GLs however, they are only available in T2 and onwards. Their good damage and good rate of fire combine to give them a great damage output. They can also fire on the move and have no minimum range, which means you can shoot at enemies when they get close instead of just spitting at them.

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Sergeant / Ogryn Bone'ead
Requires: Tactica Control (Sergeant), Tactica Control + Ogryn Quarters (Ogryn Bone'ead)
Sergeant: 55 IPB Image, 15 IPB Image
Ogryn Bone'ead: 100 IPB Image, 20 IPB Image

Not exactly weapons, but more like a weapon then an upgrade.... consider them a tool. Available for guardsmen, kasrkin, and ogryn squads, a sgt/bone 'ead increases the hp and morale of all members of the squad.

Tactica Upgrades

Tier 1 Upgrades

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Death Before Dishonor
Cost: 75 IPB Image, 15 IPB Image

This upgrade increases the morale regeneration of all guardsmen, as well as increasing their max morale by 100. It also gives them a unnoticeable hp increase. Buy it for the morale, not the hp. it is very cheap though which is good, only costing 75/15.

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Battle Armor (here, take off that paper and put on some cardboard!):
Cost: 100 IPB Image, 50 IPB Image
Increases guardsmen's hp by 50, making them slightly harder to kill.

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Uncommon Valor
Cost: 100 IPB Image, 100 IPB Image

This upgrade increases all members of the CS' hp by 100, as well as allowing you to add 2 more members to the CS. It is a wee bit expensive though at 100/100.

Tier 2 Upgrades

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Will of the Emperor(uncle emperor wants you!)
Cost: 75 IPB Image, 50 IPB Image

This one increases your guardsmen's morale by 100 again, and adds a tiny bit more hp. Slightly more expensive at 75/50

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Satellite Targetting Resolution(told you satellite has better resolution than cable…)
Cost: 100 IPB Image, 25 IPB Image

This upgrade is extremely useful and often underrated. It only costs 100/25 and it increases the range of Guardsmen Lasguns and Plasma Guns to a pretty respectable length... you can take your natural male enhancement pills and shove it!

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Weapon Specialization(time for the money shot!)
Cost: 100 IPB Image, 100 IPB Image

Normally guardsmen can only carry 3 special weapons, this upgrade not only increases the damage of all special weapons, but increases the amount guardsmen can carry to 5. Costs 100/100 but is more then worth it. This upgrade also gives tremendous boosts to all special weapons, being doubled damage of Guardsmen GLs and Kasrkin Plasma Guns, and a 50% increase in damage for Guardsmen Plasma Guns and Kasrkin GLs.

Tier 3 upgrades

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Kasrkin Armor
Cost: 100 IPB Image, 50 IPB Image

Increases the hp of Kasrkin. pls don’t ask me to explain that any further.

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Genetic Enhancement
Cost: 100 IPB Image, 50 IPB Image

Makes Kasrkin move faster. With this upgrade those speedy little buggers can really be a pain in someone’s neck.

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Powered Bayonets
Cost: 100 IPB Image, 75 IPB Image

Increases the damage of Ogryns melee attack, costs 100/75 but really increases their stabulation capacity.

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Assassin Infiltration
Cost: 150 IPB Image, 100 IPB Image

If you’re going to get an assassin, get this upgrade. If your not, get this upgrade, nothing is more fun then wasting 150/100 on absolutely nothing!

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