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Posted by: methuselah Oct 9 2008, 20:28 PM

good luck gents!

Posted by: PANCZASU Oct 9 2008, 20:43 PM

All right Hogo, we'll start after I'll take a shower. tongue.gif

Posted by: Hogo Oct 9 2008, 20:49 PM

Im ready when you want man smile.gif Got messenger or Xfire?
[email protected]
hogo91 Xfire

What ever smile.gif Just message me somehow when your ready smile.gif

Thanks smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Oct 9 2008, 23:05 PM

Sorry for the delay, I was training before KotH tournament. smile.gif
Lesson #1:
Take a cold shower. It's great when you want to be relaxed and cautious at the same time. laugh.gif

IPB Image

I've got Xfire --> I've made a new account just for you. smile.gif
IPB Image

Please, give me your KW ID. I was searching you but there are 11 Hogos... tongue.gif
And post here two of your replays. I want to know how good you are.
Oh, and tell me wich faction you prefere and which faction you hate. This may be also useful.

I must go off-line now, but I'll be back tomorrow. happy.gif

Posted by: Hogo Oct 9 2008, 23:09 PM

Hey there, Its going to be something like KW-Hogo KW-Shadow
And I don't have any replays ive not played much of 1.09 only with my last mentor 6 - 10 games didn't save replays.

I play variation of factions to be honest
GDI Vanila Or Zocom Talons but Zocom and Tallons seem UP atm so there we have it smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Oct 10 2008, 10:47 AM

They are UP. tongue.gif
You have some battle casts which I'm going to watch.

Here's a list showing how strong I am in all factions (my favourites are first, the factions I hate are the last)
Reaper-17, Traveller-59, Scrin, GDI, NOD, ZOCOM, MoK, BH, ST

I won't be able to learn you before I will watch your replays.

Posted by: Hogo Oct 10 2008, 10:49 AM

Ok sure take a look there probably all bad.

Posted by: PANCZASU Oct 10 2008, 13:09 PM

Here is the replay I found:
Attached File Mass_murder.KWReplay
Size: 1.72mb
Number of downloads: 71
Player Name Side Team

This was a looong battle.
Your skills are on average level --> you know the basics of the game but nothing more. Here are the most important issues I found:


It's one of the most important things. If you know what your enemy is up to then you have time to react and prepeare the right counters. GDI is great scouting faction because it has a Radar Scan --> it's cheap and it can give you all the intelligence you need. Another way of scouting are Riflemen Squads. You can get them very fast by selling your Watchtowers. On this map (except those which you used to capture the tiberium spike) you need 2-3 of Riflemen Squads. Send them to the:If everything fails and you have no idea what your enemy is planning then you may sacrifice one fast and cheap unit (like Pitbull) to infiltrate the hostile base. You can try to take your enemy's attention by capturing his tib. spikes with Hammerhead with engineer --> it will boost your economy and possibly save your pitbull.
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Your enemy had a crazy idea of spamming Attack Bikes but he still was vulnerable for harassment. You had no Pitbulls which are the best for this task and Orcas would die very fast because of your opponent's bikes. But you had a fairly big group of Predators. They are slow but will manage to take out few harvesters. How to do it? It's simple:
Build 3-5 Pitbulls and use them as decoys. Send them to your opponent's tib. field and start slaughtering harvesters. When Attack Bikes will try to counter your Pitbulls send Predators to attack from the other side of the base. Use Radar Scan to reveal harvesters and destroy them. Remember: it must be coordinated attack! Predators must attack ASAP after Pitbulls will reach the base!
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Another note is about unit counters. ZOCOM is incredibly effective against bikes spammers. Your main attack force should have:This force can take out almost every thread including Bikes.
If you want to protect your base build 2-4 Sonic Emitters but nothing more. Use your money for offence not defence!


Your placing of support powers was... really bad. Once you've even disable your ally's buildings. Remember that support powers may change the game. Do not use Shockwave Artillery against Attack Bikes because they are too fast. Save it for the right moment --> when you'll be attacked by strong tier 3 army or you will attack highly defended base.
Also remember that Zone Raider Drop Pods support power is great if you want to slow down your enemies economy --> just use that power near your opponents Refineries and destroy the harvesters. If they are stealth use Radar Scan or upgrade your Zone Raiders.
Also you should upgrade your Hammerheads. Zocom upgrades boost their armor and increases their firepower. It's very important if you're using HH.

That's all for today. smile.gif
Please play some 1vs1 matches and save the replays so I can analize them.

watch my pictures in hi-res!

Posted by: PANCZASU Oct 12 2008, 16:25 PM

Ok, now I can say something more about you. In the games we've played you were acting like a good commander. I have found only one major problem the rest are just minor issues. thumb.gif


Before I played in KotH tournament I would say that it was just fine. But no longer. Early economic advantage is the most important thing in 1.01. Let's go back to our first (and laggy as hell tongue.gif ) match.
Early bikes rush is ok if you'll manage to destroy at least one harvester with them. However you can not proceed with Scorpion production even if you've build a second harvester before Scorpions. Build a Refinery! Start Scorpion production only if you already have 2 Refineries and 3 harvesters total. It's a slight difference but it makes all the difference.
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After patch 1.01 it's not likely that you'll find them on the battle field. However we saw a fairly big group of them ready to destroy your base. I told you that I've got the counters for them. It wasn't really true. You also had them but I had no time for explanations.
Mechapedes can be countered by every anti-armor unit including Scorpions and Missile Squads. They can deal with them very fast. How? Watch this picture:
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Just target their heads.


The good thing is that you had this upgrade. Great. But you forgot what benefits it can give you. Your Scorpions not only have bigger armor but also can crash heavy infantry and KILL DISINTEGRATORS WITHOUT ANY HARM! Just roll over them. They will explode but it will not affect you. So in this situation you should smash them:
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That's all for today. smile.gif
Feel free to leave a comment so will know that you're really reading this. tongue.gif

Posted by: Hogo Oct 13 2008, 14:44 PM

Thanks man thats fantastic smile.gif Ive been busy with my girlfriend last 2 days but im free for the rest of the day and night so smile.gif when ever we can play again smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Oct 13 2008, 16:13 PM

I'm not sure if I'll find some more time today but maybe...
I'll contact you on Xfire when I'll be able to play. smile.gif

Internet problem. I may not be able to play today... post-13661-1143531603.gif
until my problem won't be solved dry.gif

Posted by: Hogo Oct 21 2008, 19:33 PM

anything new with KW? Still broken? =/

Posted by: PANCZASU Oct 30 2008, 10:37 AM

Problem status: Solved banana.gif

It seems that it's not my problem --> blame Neostrada TP for this. tongue.gif (quickest internet in Poland... but it's broken now and they're trying to fix it.)
I really miss our 2vs2s... sad.gif

The good news is that this Neostrada is working sometimes. For example I've got connection today but I can't say for how long. I'll contact you if there will be a chance to play this evening.

EDIT: It's 6 PM and my internet is still fine. Maybe we will play today! smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Nov 6 2008, 18:02 PM

In our last match (BH double mirror) we lost because we simply forgot how to play KW. We were much more powerful then our enemies but we were the guys who died. I found many of your mistakes (as well as mine) which were game-changing. Here they are:


Our enemies were often very vulnerable to attacks. They were combining their forces all the time. This is a good idea for attacks but it made their bases wire open to attacks. Do not let their forces get out of the base! Force them to turtle and then blast them. How to do this? It's simple: use an old fasion Attack Bikes. Send them to your enemy's main tib field and force him to retreat and save the harvesters. The only real defence they had was their bunker filled with infantry. But it's not a problem for BH. Send a single Flame Tank to clear it. Then ruin your opponent's day.
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For too many times your harvesters were just doing nothing making your economy very poor. Besides, all of these collectors were trying to harvest an empty tib field. If you would order them to harvest from the other tiberium field and let this one regrow then you would have more money then anyone on the battlefield (yes, except this problem your economy was far more superior then other players economy thumb.gif).
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You had this guy before anybody has reached tier 3. Congratulations. But you forgot about him and he was destroyed by one single obelisk. For the next time remember to put somebody inside! Redeemer with infantry is much more powerful then a normal one. Especially if you would put 2 squads of Black Hands inside. With them your Redeemer will be extremely effective agains in destroying all buildings, infantry and slower vehicles. Just remember that his main weapon is a long range weapon. In order to use your burning abilities you must go as close to a building as possible. This guy would be enough to win the game because there is nothing on tier 2 that could take him down (at least for BH).
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It's simply the most important thing to do when you reach tier 3. With this upgrade (and Quad Turrets upgrade) you are able to counter every infantry spam. BH upgraded turrets are cheap and can just devatate the enemy's army. I was surprised that you were so rich and hasn't bought this upgrade. You simply have to remember about it n a BH mirror like this.
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That's all for now. biggrin.gif
I still have this connection problem. It may be very hard for us to play again. However it should be resolved quite soon. happy.gif
Can't wait to play with you again!

Posted by: Hogo Nov 7 2008, 20:10 PM

Man thats the most epic thing I have ever read smile.gif I really like you as my mentor and I really want to play with you again soon smile.gif
Thanks man your a great help and I shall try to improve with your tips smile.gif me and you should try out for the 2v2 ladder XD

Posted by: Hogo Nov 20 2008, 12:27 PM

Lets hope we can start again soon smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Nov 30 2008, 16:01 PM

QUOTE(Hogo @ Nov 20 2008, 13:27 PM) *

Lets hope we can start again soon smile.gif

Ough, sorry, when my internet was up I was only playing in RA3 or NfS Undercover. tongue.gif
I'll increase my KW abilities and inform you if I'm ready to do this today. happy.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 2 2008, 15:49 PM

Ok, our last game was pretty easy. As I said you have improved a lot. However you did managed to make a few mistakes. I listed them all here. Except one. Remember "CONTROL YOUR HARVESTERS"? You did the same in this game. I know that it's hard to remember about your harvestrs especially in the middle of the battle but it's really, REALLY important.
You should also try to harass more often (those Mechapedes were great but they would not be enough for a good player).


You was building your base in two essential parts. The first was near the starting tiberium field (2 Refs, WF, Nerve Center, a couple of PPs) and the second one near the expansion (Tech Center, few Refs, Warp Chasm, Rax, Stasis Chamber). That's a natural thing however it doesn't mean that it's a good thing either. Especially in the mid-game. As a BH player I would see this error (yea, I would scout laugh.gif) and send a single Reckoner with Black Hands on boar. They would destry ALL of your current Refs, your WF, even a few PPs. ALL. ALL OF THEM. You had nothing to counter this thread and this would be a GG at this point. So remember to separate your buildings (even if you're facing MoK or NOD, but we'll talk about this later).
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You're now probably thinking "What? It was safe! There were millions of Tripods guarding it! Besides we were facing a n00bs that weren't even trying to do something like that!" Well, I hope that you're not. It was undefended... when it was constructed. You had only one (!) Seeker. Before your Mechapade would finish its construction you could loose this building faster then you can say "OMG, a Flame Tank!!!". Also remember that you really shouldn't place your Tech Centre in front of your base. It's an easy and priority target for your enemies. My opponent did the same. And he lost his tier 3 before he thought "OMG, it's a Scrin invasion!!!". Another note (but not about Tech centre): The same tip goes for all of your buildings and harvs. I was really surprised that your enemy wasn't trying a Bike rush. It would destroy your beautiful economy.
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This is not a note about any mistake you did (but you should mix your army with Anti-infantry counters tbh). But it may be useful in the future. There is one thing that can turn the tide of the battle. There is one thing that started this war. This thing is called tiberium. And it can be used as a weapon. I saw that you used your Ichor Sed support power. Very good (and what about Growth Accelerators?). But sometimes it can be a deadly anti-infantry weapon. Simply use it on a group of humans (not recommended - they can run away) or put it in front of your enemy's Barracks. Do not do this often only use in a specific situation. It works the best if the enemy is building inside your own base. Then you could protect yourself against engies and still would be able to harvest this tiberium. The key is that you can not allow your enemy to harvest your weapon. Once again: use it with caution.
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I'll make the two final notes here. The first one is that Ravagers have great potential as anti-infantry and anti-vehicle unit. You lost many of them when you were closing to the enemy's base because you were hoping that their speed will save them. Just kill your opponent' defenders and proceed. Second note is about Tiberium Agitation power used by Ravagers. You was trying to take out both Refinery and harvester but you didn't have enough units to do this. Remember 2 shots for a harvester, 4 for a Refinery. That makes 6 shots in total. You had only 4 groups of Ravagers shooting. But hey! You could destroy both targets! How? Simple. Wait for harvester to dock and then attack it with all of your Ravagers. In that way you will not only kill a harvester but also destroy a Refinery!
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That's all for today. You're a great player now, so keep improving and become the pr0! happy.gif

Posted by: Hogo Dec 2 2008, 16:05 PM

Well thanks alot smile.gif lets get another game in shortly smile.gif
I need to keep playing often biggrin.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 2 2008, 17:43 PM

QUOTE(Hogo @ Dec 2 2008, 17:05 PM) *

Well thanks alot smile.gif lets get another game in shortly smile.gif
I need to keep playing often biggrin.gif

Nice to hear you like it. happy.gif
I won't have time to play today so how about tomorrow?

Posted by: Hogo Dec 2 2008, 22:45 PM

Im working tomorrow, But tomorrow night should be all good smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 4 2008, 17:42 PM

QUOTE(Hogo @ Dec 2 2008, 23:45 PM) *

Im working tomorrow, But tomorrow night should be all good smile.gif

I was busy at night as well.
I wanted to play today but RA3 patch is live.
This means that I probably won't have time today. happy.gif
But maybe. And even if I don't then we can play tomorrow.

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 13 2008, 19:48 PM

I'm trying to reach you since Friday (or Thursday I'm not sure) but you're off-line. Send me a PM when you're back.

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 23 2008, 23:15 PM

Here is the replay I had to show you. w00t.gif
I think that it may be posted in GR replay section. banana.gif
I'll do it if you agree. And I still must watch this replay. tongue.gif

Here it is:

Attached File 17_min_z_Hogo_najlepsza_gra_.KWReplay
Size: 972.66k
Number of downloads: 42
Player Name Side Team
KW-Shadow 1
AS|M 2
goldenhawks{0} 2


I'll post analyse tomorrow. I really need to get some sleep. yawn.gif

Posted by: Hogo Dec 24 2008, 07:54 AM

Il watch later dude got work biggrin.gif Can't wait for analises

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 24 2008, 15:53 PM

It gets harder and harder for me to find your mistakes. happy.gif
This time I'll mix two replays we played. Mostly because you're peerless as ST. thumb.gif You made only one (fairly small [ok, you made 2 mistakes but the second one doesn't count through it could be critical --> explanations are in my second advice]) mistake. BTW, did you know that Testing-Trav is my old friend and he is (or was) one of the best 2vs2 players (you won't find him, he was in top 10 with a different nick)? banana.gif
As ZOCOM you're much worse (but still better then me, ZOCOM is a black magic for me laugh.gif). Maybe it was caused by my insane n00b mistake (let's not talk about it, ok? tongue.gif) but you were still able to win this match. Maybe it would be a bit hard but not impossible.


You did it exactly by the book --> everything was just like in one of the first KW TotWs (maybe you did this one? cool2.gif). Beautiful. You combined these two powers to maximise their effectiveness. It was wrong. Yea. I know. This may sound strange. So let me explain: in most of the situations this TotW works great. But there are some situations that are different and allow you to do a bit more pr0 thing. This was one of these situations. When you used those combined support powers you had a Rig near your main force. Here's what you could do nest: bring the Rig next to the Titans and deploy. Then use your Railgun Accelerator support power. See which Titans are being repaired by the Rig. And activate Adaptive Armor on all Titans except those three. Then watch the fireworks!
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Everybody will make those mistakes from time to time. Even pr0s. Especially in the middle of action. Unfortunately letting your cash float for a too long time may cause the defeat. I'll give you a tip that will help you to keep your economy stable (300 < stable < 3000). Try to look at your money indicator as often as possible. I you see the numbers going high then simply build something. If you don't know what to build or you're in the middle of assault then select 2 WF (if you have two of them) hold down the Shift button and tap the Mammoth Tank icon. This is always a good idea and it won't expire your money too fast. Just never use more then 2 WFs at once.
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They are one of the biggest advantages for ZOCOM. Now, with HH 1.02 buff they're back into the game. But they won't menage to do anything important if you won't upgrade them. The Hammerheads with Ceramic Armor become much more resistent to AA defence. This allows to use them for a high-risk high-rewarded missions. The next upgrade is AP Ammo. With this your HHs are turning into a very deadly weapon that cen even destroy tanks. And it makes Attack Bikes useless agains them. Next upgrade is designed for Zone Raiders. Scanner Pack allows you to find the enemy's cloaked harvesters without using Radar Scan. Just order one of the HHs to land in on the tiberium field and evacuate Zone Raiders. Now harvester are visible and vulnerable for attacks. The last upgrade – Power Pack – is also quite useful. If you see that you won't save your HHs from dying just drop the Zone Riders and try to do as much damage as you can. This upgrade will allow them to stay alive for a bit longer.
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This will be a shorter tip. When your MARV is out and you want to collect your resources fast you send that MARV to eat them. But sometimes people forget about him and he's just sitting on the tiberium field and does nothing. You can avoid it. Simply switch to the planning mode or waypoint mode. Now order your MARV to move around your tiberuim field and forget about him. Also remember that he can do this forever if you'll set the waypoints correctly.
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We saw a tons of them in this game. They are a thread and it's very important to counter them, You tried to do this by using the Fire Hawks. Nice idea, I would do the same. But then we realised that mass Venoms > Fire Hawks. You lost all of them. So here is my suggestion --> forget about Fire Hawks use Slingshots instead. Their range and speed makes them a perfect counters for Venoms. But don't forget to upgrade them with Tungsten Shells or they won't stand a chance.
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And this is why you lost! It was not because of my mistake and it was not because those two Redeemers were making your troops angry. For most of the time you were just gathering the Mammoth Tanks. You had a really big army of them. You should attack. Ignore the enemies surrounding you and smash through the opponents base! You had a critical advantage but you were pushed off when you tried it. Why? Because you gave your opponents time to prepeare for you. And because they were focusing on the offence and you was focused on the defence. Never forget about your army! Just jon your armies into one giant force and roll over your enemies!
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That's all for today. smile.gif
Hope you will like it! biggrin.gif

Posted by: atdsutm Dec 24 2008, 16:00 PM

i wish you were my mentor tongue.gif

Posted by: Hogo Dec 24 2008, 17:17 PM

EPIX Thanks dude great help

Posted by: benblue20 Dec 28 2008, 05:14 AM

Such high-quality teachings. I'll keep an eye on this thread! biggrin.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 28 2008, 10:47 AM

QUOTE(Hogo @ Dec 24 2008, 18:17 PM) *

EPIX Thanks dude great help

Such high-quality teachings. I'll keep an eye on this thread! biggrin.gif

i wish you were my mentor tongue.gif

Hogo I'm free until 2008 ends. We can play anytime you want. happy.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 30 2008, 00:21 AM

I'll post here a gift shortly... cool2.gif
Shortly = not really shortly xD

BTW I'll always remember those 17 pits destroying an entire base banana.gif

Posted by: Hogo Dec 30 2008, 11:12 AM

Another 2 Good Games, Thanks Panz Your Fun to play with biggrin.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Dec 30 2008, 21:45 PM

I've done some research. The possible combo list you asked me to do is slowly filling in. They're mainly a high-risk high-rewarded strategies. I designed them to work for ST + Harvester-17 ( tongue.gif) and/or ST + Driver-59 combos. Of course I can always show you a different strategy (like that one I was talking about with you).
Since my friend is off-line for some reasons, I can't really test those combos. So I can't make something similar to my replay analyses. sad.gif
Also I'll post them one by one. No matter what it'll take many games to test each combo.
And the last thing: every combo will have a name. Remember it so we can comunicate faster (feel free to propose the name change if you can't remember it).




SAPC is an old combo that works great against most of the players. In this combo players have to focus against one enemy and take him out ASAP in order to gain supremacy. In this combo ST player must produce a lot of APCs (I know that they re MRT but **** this tongue.gif Besides SAPC sounds better then SMRT). This must be his main task. The other player is setting up his economy and when APCs are almost ready he provides them an army of dezintegrators. Dezintegrators have a HUGE range when they're inside a vehicle. So this combo is actually a base-killer. Both players must put their units in aggressive stance. By doing this dezintegrators will attack every building that's in range (but they will focus on target you selected). Their main targets should be (in that order): Barracks, harvesters, WF (or tanks if they are on the map already), PPs (destroy them first if the enemy is building base defences) and finally the MCV (but destroy it much sooner if your enemies are good). The best thing in this combo is that both units, APC and dezintegrators, are able to heal --> if they're heavily damaged you can always order one unit to hide for a second and repair/heal. Unfortunately this combo has some weak points. If the enemy you're fighting with is good then he'll build orcas/venoms/storm riders. They are the best counter for SAPC because of its lack of AA. Another problem is that this combo requires a lot of money. So if we get harassed it's probably gg. In order to reduce the risk a bit we can build in each others bases. This is generally a bad idea but it's necessary when ST player is facing NOD/MoK/BH player (you you don't want to risk then also when you're facing GDI/ST/ZOCOM). If that happens ST player should build inside Reaper player's base. Here is the build order for both players:

STEEL TALONSREAPER-17I think that this is fairly solid BO. It takes ~ 3:00 minutes to build a base and 8 APCs and only a few seconds to have those dezintegrators so the Reaper player should have a solid economy. My suggestion is to stay in primary bases so your enemies won't know what will hit them.

  • Very powerful combo, best tier 1 firepower
  • Base-killer
  • Allows to gain economy and military advantage

  • Easy to scout
  • Highly counterable by air
  • Leaves bases unprotected

That's all for today. smile.gif
I may not be able to play this evening.

Posted by: Hogo Jan 3 2009, 21:25 PM

Next time you have time smile.gif Im free biggrin.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Jan 8 2009, 17:14 PM

Yea sorry, I was "busy" playing Empire at War... n1qshok.gif laugh.gif
Maybe we can play tomorrow (or today but I doubt so).

Posted by: Hogo Jan 8 2009, 21:43 PM

When Ever man smile.gif Ive been playing with DiscoDave on KW staff its been cool but I forgot to save the replays =/ He may have them but hell when ever biggrin.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Jan 9 2009, 09:46 AM

He's a NOD player, isn't he?

Posted by: Hogo Jan 9 2009, 11:19 AM

he plays random. But we had a few 2v2 lost some won some but kept getting smurfs >.<

Posted by: PANCZASU Jan 15 2009, 18:21 PM

As you probably noticed I'm inactive. Not sure when I'll come back but don't worry - I will come back.

Posted by: Hogo Jan 15 2009, 20:42 PM

Thats fine man smile.gif give me a PM or Xfire when your Back smile.gif keep in mind im only avalable weekdays till 3.00 Then from 9.00 Onwards and weekends from 9.00 Onwards in the evening smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Jan 16 2009, 21:09 PM

I did something strange to my computer... wacko.gif
WOW, KW looks now beautiful! w00t.gif
I'm very happy! What a pleasant surprise!
This will "force" me to play with you ASAP. laugh.gif
I don't have much time because I'll have to leave my country for an unknown period of time soon. However be ready to play with me this weekend! cool2.gif
And don't worry, I should be back in 2-3 weeks or maybe even a bit sooner.

Posted by: Hogo Jan 16 2009, 21:39 PM

Cool man weekends at 9.00 and Past that time are good evening this is smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Jan 17 2009, 16:46 PM

Hey, do you want to play 2vs2vs2vs2? laugh.gif
It's a lot of fun especially when it's a random only game.
If you'll agree then I suggest that one player (but not if he plays as Scrin) should move his MCV to the middle so we could both build there.
Also there is a risk that (if the spots will be random) we'll be split. If that happens one of us will have to build inside the other base and move his MCV to the middle field/enemy base for an all-in rush.
Also remember that every type of infantry can get inside an APC/MRT/HH/harv/Behemoth. This might be useful. smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Jan 19 2009, 16:12 PM

There is a chance (nothing more then a chance) that I will leave my country tomorrow, not today. If so, we can play this evening. smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Feb 23 2009, 16:03 PM

It has been a while since our last lesson. post-13661-1143531603.gif
Well, RL is interrupting me + I'm back in staff.
But I'll try to improve! I know that you're waiting for a new PC so we can play after you got it. happy.gif

Posted by: Hogo Feb 23 2009, 20:47 PM

Cool thanks for the Update man biggrin.gif I get the final parts of my new pc around 10th march biggrin.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Mar 19 2009, 19:20 PM

Do you have it? wink.gif

Posted by: Hogo Mar 20 2009, 09:09 AM

I did tongue.gif But the motherboard was faulty, Wont be long now couple more days maybe :)sorry sad.gif

Posted by: X-Flame Mar 20 2009, 10:54 AM

I really like how this is going guys, keep it up!
Pancake I didn't know you were so good at KW (or at least you act like you're good, lol). Your advice is solid, nice job!

Posted by: Hogo Mar 20 2009, 10:57 AM

He is good, hes awesome at explaining where I did wrong and hes also a good player biggrin.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Mar 20 2009, 18:55 PM

QUOTE(Hogo @ Mar 20 2009, 11:57 AM) *

He is good, hes awesome at explaining where I did wrong and hes also a good player biggrin.gif


But I'm better mentor/reviewer then a player I love the theory and testing the game with AI.

I can wait a bit more Hogo this will give me time to train a bit (because last time I played KW was ~2 months ago [and RA3 yesterday and C&C3 today, lol]).
But I'm still watching replays!
And I think that we could try to fight on other maps, not only Unsound Investment (but we'll still play there don't worry). One-mapping isn't bad but it's nice to be able to play on all maps. happy.gif

Posted by: Hogo Mar 20 2009, 21:14 PM

I completly agree smile.gif
I would love you try some other maps see if we can come up with some faction 2 v 2 Tactics biggrin.gif

Wont be long now...

Posted by: X-Flame Mar 20 2009, 21:22 PM

I'm not trying to derail the thread, but I heard a suggestion from a couple of members that they'd appreciate a 2v2 starting guide. You guys could collaborate and make it together. PM me if you're interested, I got a few points what the members want in it.

Posted by: Hogo Mar 26 2009, 01:29 AM

Im up for that X-Flame
It would help both me & Panz get some more 2vs2 Knoledge, So if Panz is up for it im all good.

Btw Pc's back epic graphics LETS ROX!

Posted by: PANCZASU Mar 28 2009, 11:39 AM

So you want us to make a starting guide for 2vs2...

I'm pretty sure it's possible, however I want to play some more games before. smile.gif

@ Hogo: w00t.gif
I thinl I'll be free tonight so we could play! banana.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Mar 29 2009, 20:06 PM

No time today, sorry. Tomorrow? happy.gif

Posted by: Hogo Mar 29 2009, 23:55 PM

Jump on xfire when you can play and message me, We can start up them biggrin.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Apr 6 2009, 16:16 PM

Will make an analyse as soon as I become active again. smile.gif

Posted by: PANCZASU Apr 15 2009, 17:56 PM

Sorry, no analyse, next time make more mistakes. laugh.gif

But seriously I'll make one no matter what after next time we play. happy.gif

Posted by: Hogo Apr 16 2009, 15:05 PM

thats all good smile.gif

Posted by: Hogo Jun 10 2009, 13:40 PM

are we done? because I hope not, I would quiet like to start playing again smile.gif

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