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Red Alert 3: 1.12.6 Released

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# 1Constable Chris Oct 2 2017, 21:07 PM
Greetings RA3 Community. It has been over 1 year since 1.12.5 released, and since that release, we have been working in the shadows on yet another version. We read your feedback about 1.12.5, and consequently shaped 1.12.6 based on this feedback.

As promised, we delivered more and more bug fixes in 1.12.6 ,some of which are very severe bugs and banned exploits, making 1.12.6 superior to it's predecessors . We also threw a LOT of emphasis on polishing , by fixing animations, discrepancies, and even the tiniest details, to ensure that 1.12.6 gives a truly refreshing RA3 experience.

Before we go over the current change list and patch notes, please have a look at the following important notes:

Please DO NOT go directly to the download link, before reading the important notes!!. Make SURE you read the change list before you install!!

Important Notes(Please Read):

-These maps CANNOT be transferred in-game . If they are transferred in game , they will desync when the player who recieved them attempts to play them . ViperMkVII is currently working on a solution for this , but for now , please do not transfer them in-game.

-The 1.12.6 Version of the ladder maps , will become the ranked maps , alongside the original ones .

-For clarification , these maps contain more than just fixes for map bugs. They also contain game bug fixes and graphical updates, meaning these maps hold content different from the original game.

-These maps can be played online , without any issues , just like 1.12.4 and 1.12.5 .

Patch Notes , Map List , and Special Thanks

Patch Notes

1.12.6 Bug Fixes:

1- Fixed a bug , where the Wave Force tower displays Deffender VX debris when destroyed on water.
2- Fixed Empire and Allied Tech lights.(Credits to the Chinese Modding Community)
3- Fixed a bug where frozen tanks can still crush infantry when they get too close.
4- Fixed a bug where Telsa Coils do not fire at all sometimes.
5- Fixed a bug where Bears could kill burrowed tankbusters.
6- Fixed a graphical bug where Defense Bureaus do not display proper debris when destroyed over water.
7- Fixed a graphical bug where Flack cannons and deffender VX,and Wave Force towers rotate their turrets before finishing unpacking.
8- Fixed a bug where Terror Drones disable the athena cannon's shield.
9- Fixed a bug where Multigunner turrets, Sentry Gun ,Wave Force Towers,Spectrum towers and Deffender VX can still fire while being sold.
10- Fixed a graphical bug where the Soviet Airfield displays it's yellow light animations before finishing unpacking.
11- Fixed a bug where Mig missiles and Striker VX missiles , and IFV AA missiles,do not damage an Assault Destroyer using a black hole armor.
12- Fixed a bug where outposts provide build radius before finishing unpacking (Special Thanks to PDZ of the Chinese Modding Community)
13- Fixed Oil Derrick and Dry Dock Animations.(Credits to TX1138)
14- Fixed Empire EVA when capturing Oil Derrick and Observation Posts.(Credits TX1138)
15- Fixed Soviet Tesla Trooper's behavior when charging tesla coils.
16- Fixed a bug where infected nano-cores can still unpack.
17- Fixed a bug where Terror Drones disable the Assault Destroyer's Black Hole Armor.
18- Fixed a bug where IFV missiles do not damage Tengus/VX or any aircraft that are landing on the ground.
19- Fixed a bug where units that are stunned by a terror drone, paralyzed by a rocket angel, or affected by an EMP missile, can still crush units when they get too close.
20- Fixed a bug where shrunk MCVs can crush other units.(Banned Exploit)
21- Fixed double shrink bug.(This means that if you shrink a unit with the normal shrink ray, and then you get the High Technology upgrade, you will be able to shrink a unit that is already under the effect of the normal shrink ray, however it will have no effect. This only has to happen once.)
22- Fixed a bug where the guardian tanks' target painters can stack their effect.(From now on,the target painter that is pointed first, will take effect, the second painter is nullified.)
23- Fixed a bug where Assault Destroyers do not absorb Tanya's fire.
24-Applied a fix that will prevent Subs and Ships from getting stuck on shores, on Infinity Isle.(This bug seems to occur most frequently on this map, hence this map was the first chosen to have this fix.)
25- Fixed a graphical bug where the cryocopter's shrink ray , can make units visually bright.
26- Fixed a bug where Tanya and Natasha's weapon do not damage the Assault Destroyer when they are absorbed.(The damage dealt is very minimal.)
27- Fixed a bug where the Assault Destroyer's black hole armor can absorb the Proton Collider's fire.

1.12.5 Bug Fixes

1- Fixed a bug where migs and apollos can fire at enemy units while they are landed in an airbase.
2- Fixed a bug where Natasha can pilot snipe units while she is inside a transport.
3- Fixed a bug where units can use their secondary in buildings.
4- Fixed a bug where tankbusters can fire out of sudden transports.(Banned Exploit)
5- Fixed a visual bug where a mirage tank still displays its gap generator bubble while carried by a twinblade.
6- Fixed a bug where Allied Engineers can move while they have their medical tents unpacked.
7- Fixed a bug where tankbusters can fire while burrowed.(Similar fix to infantry using their secondary in buildings)
8- Fixed a bug where Soviet Engineers can attack structures with their pistols.
9- Fixed a 1.12.4 related bug, where units automatically engage walls.(Without being on agressive stance)
10- Soviet Refinery no longer displays it's glow/smoke effects before it has finished construction.
11- Fixed a bug where Yari Mini subs have a higher rate of fire when targeting bridges.
12- Fixed a bug where Dreadnoughts, Shogun Battleships, and Aircraft carriers, cannot fire directly after being built.
13- (Credits to TX1138) Fixed the Red Lights for the Soviet Barracks while it's under construction.(The lights no longer appear while the building is being built)
14- (Credits to TX1138) Fixed Defender VX and Wave Force Tower turret rotation while unpacking.
15- (Credits to TX1138) Fixed Spectrum Tower Passive Ability.
16- Fixed a graphical bug where seawings display flame effects while underwater.
17- (Credits to TX1138) Fixed odd V4 pre-fire graphical behaviour.
18- Fixed a 1.12.4 related bug where the Proton Collider deals more damage.

1.12.4 Bug Fixes

1- Fixed a bug where the Prospector would not collect Ore after a refinery finished deploying.
2- Fixed a bug where newly built Vindicators cannot drop bombs 5-6 seconds after being built.
3- A graphical bug where Super Reactors and Soviet Refineries would lose their smoke/glow effects when they enter yellow health is now fixed.
4- Fixed Spectrum Tower Deployment Animation.
5- Fixed a bug where wave force towers can fire their first shot without charging up.
6- Fixed a bug where you can place war factories,barracks, and naval yards directly behind each other(without leaving some space for their initial rally point).
7- Fixed a bug where frozen Tank Busters can still burrow/unburrow from the ground.
8- Fixed a bug where Striker VXs,Javelins, and Migs would not fire a missile which will finish their target.
9- Fixed a graphical bug where Imperial Warriors would not bleed while in Banzai Charge Mode.
10- Fixed a a graphical bug, where the platform for the Allied Airbase(on water) would not appear until the structure finished deploying.
Now the platform has a fixed deployment animation that plays directly upon placement of their airfield.
11- Fixed a bug where Tengus and Striker VXs can transform to aircraft models while being dragged
by a magnetic Harpoon.
12- Graphical Bug, Apollo fighters would lose their yellow trail when moving, after the player purchases Advanced Aeronautics, is now fixed.
13- Fixed a bug where Dolphins could damage land units and structures
14- Removed Production bars for the Soviet Battle Lab and Naval Yard
15- Fixed a graphical bug where the ice texture for Cryoblast and Cryogeddon would disappear before the cryo beam stops firing.
16- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to crash the game.

Total Bug Fixes : 61

1.12.6 Graphical Updates:

1- Removed a good number of particles from the Soviet,Allied, and Empire power plant destruction.
2- Removed Fire/Smoke trails that were attached to the debris of the power plants, including the super reactor as well.
3- Removed the explosion effect for the Soviet and Allied war factories (Changed back to their usual smoke effect)
4- Removed the big flame effects displayed on super reactors when critically damaged.(Restored to original effects)
5- Removed Mushroom explosion for Empire Power plant.(Replaced with a standard flame effect)
6- Removed large flame/smoke effects displayed on Allied Construction yards in red health.(Restored back to original effects)
7- Removed the Green Light from Imperial Construction Yards.
8- Removed the big flame effect that was displayed on Vindicator and Soviet apocalypse Tanks debris.
9- Removed the giant water ring effect caused by the Assault Destroyer's depth charge.
10- Fixed MIRV effect for the Soviet V4 rocket .(The missile no longer displays a very saturated mushroom cloud, and the heroic effect no longer gets mixed with the original)
11- Fixed Tsunami Tank heroic effects.(No longer displays a mixed effect between Blue and Orange, now heroic ones display just orange effects for their shells.)
12- Fixed Heroic Vindicator bomb effect.(No longer displays original effect + heroic effect at the same time)
13- Fixed Allied Power Plant unpack animation.
14- Fixed Iron Curtain specular map.
15- Fixed Allied Refinery unpack animation.(No longer displays the water platform when unpacking on land.)
16- Fixed Allied Barracks Specular Map.
17- Fixed a slight visual bug where the Cryocopter's cryo beam flickers.
18- Flame effects displayed on units/structures in red health state, reduced back to their original size.
19- Psionic Decimator given a light effect.
20- Tankbusters given a light effect for their lasers.
21- Peacekeepers with Riot Shields now display blood when attacked from the side or back.
22- Super Reactor given a water splash effect when destroyed over water.
23- All building animations will stop playing once the corresponding building is hit by an EMP missile.
24- Heroic Stingrays given a new effect.
25- Allied Blackout Missile given a target decal.(Purely visual, the original effect radius remains unchanged.)
26- Minor changes such as changes in particle count, size and color saturation in small effects,sounds, and changes that are too small to list here.

The following changes are inspired by TX1138's Revolution mod, hence he deserves the credit for these effects
1-Twinblades given a firing effect when launching rockets.
2-Proton Collider given a light effect.
3-Dreadnoughts now display a smoke effect when they activate their sacrafice launchers.
4-Heroic Flak troopers given a recolored weapon effect.
5-Allied Blackout Missile given a new effect.
6-V4 launchers given a smoke effect when launching a missile.
7-Allied harvester and riptide ACV given a water animation effect over water.
8-Improved Vacuum Imploder effects.
9-Natasha's bomber given an explosion effect upon detonating it's projectile.
10-Soviet Battle Lab given smoke effect animations.
11-Super Reactor and Vacuum Imploder given a big scorch mark upon exploding.
12-Hammer tank, Guardian Tank, and Assault Destroyer given heroic effects for their weapons.


How to Install the 1.12.6 Maps :

Like the previous 1.12.5 version , this version comes with an installer . Simply download and run the installer. The installer automatically detects your RA3 installation folder, so no need to browse anywhere else. Make sure to install this in the installation folder.

How to Uninstall the 1.12.6 maps:
Simply go to your RA3 folder and delete the MapsCommunityPatch files in the 1.12.6 folder of your RA3 directory.There are 3 of them.

Download Link


Credits and Special Thanks

The following is a list of people who made various contributions to the development of 1.12.6, be it small or large, and consequently, they deserve a lot of credit and recognition, because the patch would not be where it is today without them.

Bibber: For his extensive and very useful CNC modding tools that were crucial for the development of the patch.

CGF: Developer of the KW 1.02+ Community patch. He helped me fix a crucial bug where the mod maps would crash after every game.

ZypherBullet : For assistance and contribution to the development of 1.12.6, as well as creating a very convenient installer for 1.12.6.

The 1.12.6 Beta Test Team : Which includes Jasper, Dimon, GBH, Viper, Pika, Zaar,CCZD-Tony, Laimis, Vindies , Stryder and Messican. The Team played a crucial role in uncovering 1.12.6 related bugs.

TX1138: Developer of the legendary Revolution mod, which you can check out here: mod.http://www.moddb.com/mods/red-alert-3-revolution . He supplied me with a huge source code from which I derived the changes you see in the patch notes, as well as assistance in bug fixing.

The Chinese Modding Community :Similarly, they also assisted in bug fixing through various coding contributions.

PDZ: Member of the chinese modding community, he was a crucial member during the development of 1.12.6, and provided me with a lot of information and help.

ViperMKVII: For assistance in the development of 1.12.6 as well as testing.

GBHMichael: For assisting in the bug fixing process , as well as supervising.

RMA Snowy, Yellow Jacket,DasDuelon and DuckBB: For their custom made maps that will soon feature a 1.12.6 version.

Red Alert 3 Staff: For promoting the patch's general publicity, as well as tournament support.

Thank you all for being patient during this time, we guarantee that 1.12.6 will not disappoint you smile.gif


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This post has been edited by Constable Chris: Nov 8 2023, 16:41 PM

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 2BUn1997 Oct 3 2017, 15:39 PM

Posts: 459

Clan: m8s

Game: Red Alert 3

# 3yzzd-pk Oct 3 2017, 16:03 PM

Posts: 545

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Game: Red Alert 3

# 4Constable Chris Oct 4 2017, 09:03 AM
Link temporarily taken down due to a crash bug that has been found. It will be back up shortly.

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 5Constable Chris Oct 4 2017, 10:41 AM
Link is back up , sorry for the inconvenience.

Those who already installed the old version must uninstall it, and reinstall the new version.

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 6Constable Chris Oct 4 2017, 20:55 PM
Chinese version added to the downloads.

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 7fivestarbears Oct 5 2017, 10:56 AM
amazing! thx for the patch ♥

Posts: 5

# 8Constable Chris Oct 5 2017, 13:07 PM
No worries smile.gif

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 9Constable Chris Oct 5 2017, 17:11 PM
Russian version released.

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 10fivestarbears Oct 5 2017, 18:24 PM
Hi Chris smile.gif why not make this forum apear int the home screen of GR! not a lot will find it in here!

Posts: 5

# 11Constable Chris Oct 5 2017, 18:30 PM
Pinned topics in the general discussion don't get much attention either tongue.gif

Plus it's more organized to have a forum just for the community patch.

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 12MaliciousGenius Oct 5 2017, 23:09 PM

Yes, it's very hard to find this thread, when you try to google "ra3 1.12.6 maps' nothing pops up.

Posts: 3

Game: Red Alert 3

# 13YuG Oct 8 2017, 02:40 AM
Really looking forwards to it.
Thank you.

Posts: 10

Game: Red Alert 3

# 14txc2004 Oct 9 2017, 04:41 AM

Yes, it's very hard to find this thread, when you try to google "ra3 1.12.6 maps' nothing pops up.

Is to early yet from the Google to see that totally new page, need at least 2 weeks to 2 months and that based on visits on current page...

This post has been edited by txc2004: Oct 9 2017, 05:02 AM

Posts: 120

Game: Red Alert 3

# 15txc2004 Oct 9 2017, 04:56 AM
Constable Chris,

I see a bug when i play with AI, almost every time on normal official maps, the big naval units like Aircraft Carriers stick outside from naval yards and cannot move...

First i think is AI problem and let it, but happen to me and i search it, and i found that happen if the water is not deep enough or if the Naval Yard Door is above from Ramp who again because the angle of Ramp make the water no deep at that point, if i re-edit the ramps, the ground or place the Naval yard to look outside on deep water all is perfect!

Probably developers make the big ships need more space to move, ok that is right, but it is also buggy specially on maps who exist ramps on starting positions...

So im answering that fix:

26-Applied a fix that will prevent Subs and Ships from getting stuck on shores, on Infinity Isle.(This bug seems to occur most frequently on this map, hence this map was the first chosen to have this fix.)

is the problem who i describe?

This post has been edited by txc2004: Oct 9 2017, 05:06 AM

Posts: 120

Game: Red Alert 3

# 16Constable Chris Oct 9 2017, 07:00 AM
This fix is applied only to infinity isle, so I'm not surprised that it occurred on other maps.

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 17txc2004 Oct 9 2017, 07:35 AM
Just for reference, for me is the Casual Encounter, at bottom start position...

Posts: 120

Game: Red Alert 3

# 18Constable Chris Oct 9 2017, 16:38 PM
Huge thanks to ZypherBullet for creating a new installer for 1.12.6. This installer automatically detects your language and installs the patch for this language accordingly.

Moreover, this installer automatically detects your RA3 installation folder , meaning you no longer need to browse or do anything. Just download and install right away.

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3

# 19€ndymion92 Oct 10 2017, 19:12 PM
13- Fixed a bug where Mig missiles and Striker VX missiles , and IFV AA missiles,do not damage an Assault Destroyer using a black hole armor.

ty for fixing this.

also I've seen some players can cancel resurface animation of seawing but yet still attack/deal damage while at underwater, is this micro/intended or possibly a bug?

Posts: 115

# 20Constable Chris Oct 10 2017, 19:40 PM
It is micro oriented. The seawing submerges very quickly making it immune to most attacks the moment it starts moving, while it may still appear at the surface.

At the same time, it won't take long for it to surface and fire again, so it is a micro trick.

Posts: 2,645

Clan: H2O

Game: Red Alert 3


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