Simply click the link above and click the download file. You do not need to be a member to download but consider joining. We are always looking for friendly active members: POST HERE TO JOIN Please do not bother if you are rude, cheat, or immature.
Short Description This is a comprehensive spreadsheet covering all of the major aspects of the real time strategy game, Age of Empires III, the War Chiefs, and the Asian Dynasties expansion packs. Anyone serious about learning this game needs this workbook.
Description: I have completed the Quick Reference Guide for TAD. I posted this a few weeks ago for the clan I am in, N3O and made a few changes based on their comments. Originally I made a huge list of changes I made from the TWC to TAD Guide but it is so long I doubt there are many in the ADD age that will read it all. My advice is to look through every sheet as if it is new because I pretty much changed everything a little and some things a lot.
This Guide answers all of the common questions and a few you never thought to ask. In general, I tried to group the worksheet tabs in categories and in alphabetical order. I also started coloring coding the worksheet tabs for easier grouping. I can find anything in the guide within a few seconds, just look for key words. The following topics are covered:
• AOE3 Quick Reference Guide (Cover sheet with useful links) • Table of Contents • BUILDING GUIDES ...Buildings – Defensive Structures ...Building Summary • BREAKEVEN CALCULATIONS ...Breakeven – HC Shipment ...Breakeven – Native Big Button ...Breakeven – Unique Church Techs • Consulate Summary • Experience Guide • FIRE PIT GUIDES ...Fire Pit Summary ...Fire Pit-Travois & Gift Dance (a mathematical comparison) • Healing and Repairing Guide • HOME CITY SHIPMENT GUIDES ...Home City Shipments – Asians ...Home City Shipments – European ...Home City Shipments – Natives ...Home City – Trickle Shipments (Villager equivalent calculations) • Map Summary • Market Analysis (compares advanced market and all Asian unique markets) • MINOR NATIVE GUIDES ...Minor Natives, Temples, & Maps ...Minor Native Technologies • Politicians, Councils, & Wonders • RESOURCE RATE GUIDES ...Resource Rate – Gathering Times ...Resource Rate – Livestock ...Resource Rate – Shrine ...Resource Rate – Sacred Field • Revolution Summary • Starting Conditions • GENERAL STRATEGY GUIDES ...Strategy – House Placement ...Strategy – Defend a Rush ...Strategy – Town Center • TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION GUIDES ...Technology – Arsenal Upgrades ...Technology – Church Summary ...Technology – Resource Summary • Treasure Guide • UNIT INFORMATION GUIDES (every unit in the game) ...Unit Classification ...Unit Classification & Counters ...Unit Train Times ...Units – Consulate ...Units – Guardians ...Units – Mercenary Statistics ...Units – Minor Native Statistics ...Units – Pet Statistics ...Units – Revolution ...Units – Aztecs ...Units – British ...Units – China ...Units – Dutch ...Units – French ...Units – German ...Units – India ...Units – Iroquois ...Units – Japan ...Units – Ottoman ...Units – Portuguese ...Units – Russian ...Units – Sioux ...Units – Spanish • MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ...Misc – Acronyms, & BB Code ...Misc – Cheats ...Misc – Damage Capacity Summary ...Misc – Default Hotkey & Taunt ...Misc – Level & Single Play Edit ...Misc – Power Rating System ...Misc – Random Notes ...Misc – Reading Players Scores
For those of you who do not have Excel, here are some free viewers:
Excel Viewer 2003 This is a free Excel viewer that allows you to view but not edit.
Open Office is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute.
For those of you who do not have Excel, do not want to download a free viewer, but still want to access the spreadsheet, I have converted it to an .html file on my website:
I would like to warn you that it does not look as good. The interactive features (i.e. calculators) do not function in this version (due to the .html). It was either have all the cells formatted and no interaction, or interaction with no formatting. Since the majority of this spreadsheet requires reading but no inputs, I decided to keep the formatting. It is sad Microsoft forces you into those choices but those are the only options I am aware of.
All in all, I should have been paid for this. But don’t get me wrong, it is not perfect, but I did strive for perfection. Go over it with a fine tooth comb and let me know of any mistakes I may have made. Please post all of your comments, error corrections, and general praise here.
This post has been edited by Cyclooctane: Jan 28 2008, 04:01 AM
I was reading through my Guide today to find some information on a strategy I was working on and got to thinking, this thing is freaking big! Sure there is a ton of information but takes a long time to scroll on the bottom to get to where you want. In the interest of general gamer laziness I added a table of contents (with descriptions). This table of contents is fully interactive and will take you to the guide of your choice at light speed. You then can click the return right scroll button and go back to the table to navigate. I don’t know why I never thought of this before and why no one has even suggested it. It is very useful!
Also, notice that MNBob (a clan mate) placed a direct link to my Guide on his useful unit database (which pulls directly from proto with no errors and I used extensively during creation). Links to his work are also located in my Guide on the front page links section.
The download and online links remain the same, just a different version number. I deleted the old version so there is no confusion. I also split my “Revolution & Units” worksheet into two separate worksheets, “Revolution Summary” and “Units – Revolution”. This was just to keep things organized and all the unit worksheets together (makes more since with a table of contents), the content is the same.
So if you have not downloaded this free software yet, now is the time. You have nothing to lose, I have a money back guarantee…
And while your at the N3O site, take a look around. You may just find something else you like.
Very informative guide.. Looks like it took loads of work.. I wonder if there's any info in it that ES doesn't have themselves, being how much detail you have. I'll check out your clan site, not that I'm much into playing team games right now, but I could use some people/friends to play with online.
Don't worry, bob didn't strain himself too much. The website uses the proto as a data file, so as long as he makes an appropriate xml reader and output format it isn't too troublesome.
What an amazing comprehensive guide to these games. How did you ever find time to play the game after working on such a valuable resource. Excellent work amigo!
What an amazing comprehensive guide to these games. How did you ever find time to play the game after working on such a valuable resource. Excellent work amigo!
I have not played much at all. My ESO is Cyclohexane and I am still a conscript but I play in the intermediate level (around 1st Luit to Captain). Now I have all the holiday traveling and parties and still no time to play.
Most people have goals to work more, well, my new year’s resolution will be to play more video games...
This post has been edited by Cyclooctane: Dec 14 2007, 19:43 PM
sumptuary laws is not really worth 6.6 vills... more like 1.6 and 5 vills of export. you really can't lump them together like that.
Also, something you might like to include would be the train times for china's war academy with acupuncture and banner school cards sent
EDIT: Because I really wanted to know how these cards were, I did the test myself Legend: 1 - normal, 2 - with banner school, 3 - with banner school and acupuncture (everything is in seconds)
Old Han Army 1 = 25, 2 = 18, 3 = 13
(same for Standard and Ming armies)
Territorial Army 1 = 33, 2 = 23, 3 = 16
(same with Imperial Army)
Forbidden Army 1 = 29, 2 = 20, 3 = 14
Black Flag Army 1 = 40, 2 = 28, 3 = 20
Mongolian Army 1 = 30, 2 = 21, 3 = 15
From this: Banner School: 30% faster Acupuncture: 20% faster
whats with the random -23% and -20% effects in the description?
This post has been edited by Adapt: Dec 17 2007, 06:10 AM
sumptuary laws is not really worth 6.6 vills... more like 1.6 and 5 vills of export. you really can't lump them together like that.
I agree, I made a comment on that in the notes but it still keeps getting pointed out to me. It is a lot of export, but you are right since export is only gathered if villagers are working on something else. I’ll split it up like that in the next revision.
Also, something you might like to include would be the train times for china's war academy with acupuncture and banner school cards sent
I can add something like this easily. I will do it in the next revision.
whats with the random -23% and -20% effects in the description?
I am assuming you are talking about the description in the “Home City Shipments – Asians worksheet”. Here is what the game files state:
I assumed the -23% took precedence over the -30%. I did not have a chance to test every single card in the game. I just looked at the game files for this one and it seemed pretty straight forward. I will make the revision based on your test results. Hopefully we are close to a patch anyway.
The Guide has just been updated with comments from many websites (same link). See the download history for a review of all changes in this version. CLICK HERE FOR VERSION CHANGES
Enjoy and look for my Unit Comparison Spreadsheet coming soon!
The Guide has just been updated with comments from many websites (same link). See the download history for a review of all changes in this version. CLICK HERE FOR VERSION CHANGES
Enjoy and look for my Unit Comparison Spreadsheet coming soon!
Well done .
This post has been edited by DanaEileithyia: Jan 28 2008, 16:09 PM
Posts: 9,632
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VIEW ONLINE: On-Line Version
Simply click the link above and click the download file. You do not need to be a member to download but consider joining. We are always looking for friendly active members:
Please do not bother if you are rude, cheat, or immature.
Short Description
This is a comprehensive spreadsheet covering all of the major aspects of the real time strategy game, Age of Empires III, the War Chiefs, and the Asian Dynasties expansion packs. Anyone serious about learning this game needs this workbook.
I have completed the Quick Reference Guide for TAD. I posted this a few weeks ago for the clan I am in, N3O and made a few changes based on their comments. Originally I made a huge list of changes I made from the TWC to TAD Guide but it is so long I doubt there are many in the ADD age that will read it all. My advice is to look through every sheet as if it is new because I pretty much changed everything a little and some things a lot.
This Guide answers all of the common questions and a few you never thought to ask. In general, I tried to group the worksheet tabs in categories and in alphabetical order. I also started coloring coding the worksheet tabs for easier grouping. I can find anything in the guide within a few seconds, just look for key words. The following topics are covered:
• AOE3 Quick Reference Guide (Cover sheet with useful links)
• Table of Contents
...Buildings – Defensive Structures
...Building Summary
...Breakeven – HC Shipment
...Breakeven – Native Big Button
...Breakeven – Unique Church Techs
• Consulate Summary
• Experience Guide
...Fire Pit Summary
...Fire Pit-Travois & Gift Dance (a mathematical comparison)
• Healing and Repairing Guide
...Home City Shipments – Asians
...Home City Shipments – European
...Home City Shipments – Natives
...Home City – Trickle Shipments (Villager equivalent calculations)
• Map Summary
• Market Analysis (compares advanced market and all Asian unique markets)
...Minor Natives, Temples, & Maps
...Minor Native Technologies
• Politicians, Councils, & Wonders
...Resource Rate – Gathering Times
...Resource Rate – Livestock
...Resource Rate – Shrine
...Resource Rate – Sacred Field
• Revolution Summary
• Starting Conditions
...Strategy – House Placement
...Strategy – Defend a Rush
...Strategy – Town Center
...Technology – Arsenal Upgrades
...Technology – Church Summary
...Technology – Resource Summary
• Treasure Guide
• UNIT INFORMATION GUIDES (every unit in the game)
...Unit Classification
...Unit Classification & Counters
...Unit Train Times
...Units – Consulate
...Units – Guardians
...Units – Mercenary Statistics
...Units – Minor Native Statistics
...Units – Pet Statistics
...Units – Revolution
...Units – Aztecs
...Units – British
...Units – China
...Units – Dutch
...Units – French
...Units – German
...Units – India
...Units – Iroquois
...Units – Japan
...Units – Ottoman
...Units – Portuguese
...Units – Russian
...Units – Sioux
...Units – Spanish
...Misc – Acronyms, & BB Code
...Misc – Cheats
...Misc – Damage Capacity Summary
...Misc – Default Hotkey & Taunt
...Misc – Level & Single Play Edit
...Misc – Power Rating System
...Misc – Random Notes
...Misc – Reading Players Scores
For those of you who do not have Excel, here are some free viewers:
Excel Viewer 2003
This is a free Excel viewer that allows you to view but not edit.
Open Office is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute.
For those of you who do not have Excel, do not want to download a free viewer, but still want to access the spreadsheet, I have converted it to an .html file on my website:
On-line AOE3 TWC TAD Quick Reference
I would like to warn you that it does not look as good. The interactive features (i.e. calculators) do not function in this version (due to the .html). It was either have all the cells formatted and no interaction, or interaction with no formatting. Since the majority of this spreadsheet requires reading but no inputs, I decided to keep the formatting. It is sad Microsoft forces you into those choices but those are the only options I am aware of.
All in all, I should have been paid for this. But don’t get me wrong, it is not perfect, but I did strive for perfection. Go over it with a fine tooth comb and let me know of any mistakes I may have made. Please post all of your comments, error corrections, and general praise here.
This post has been edited by Cyclooctane: Jan 28 2008, 04:01 AM
Posts: 85