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Portuguese FF Strat*

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# 1HERO Nov 5 2005, 15:23 PM
Fast Fortress Guide
IPB Image

In this Strat, I will demostrate how to perform the FF Tech with Portugal. Just to clarify some things, a Tech basically means a very fast jump to a specific Tier. In Warcraft 3, a tech can be performed by Humans in order to reach Castle in the sole purpose of obtaining Knights. For AoE3, Portugal's FF offers Fortress Age at about ~7 min time for the sole purpose of obtaining ALL of it's most valuable units: The Cassador, the Dragoon, and the Organ Gun.

Unit Stats

IPB ImageVeteran Cassador: 25 Food & 90 Coin
° Role
- Anti-Infantry
° Stats
· Age Available: Fortress
· Hitpoints: 85
· Pop. Use: 1
· Pop. Limit: Unlimited
· Resists: -60% Range Damage
· Speed: 4.5
° Attacks
- Range: 26 Range Damage, Range 20, 2x Damage bonues vs. Infantry
- Hand: 5 Hand Damage, 2x Damage bonus vs. Cavalry
- Siege: 12 Siege Damage, Range 6
· Modes: Volley, Stagger, Melee, & Defend
° Experience
- Build: 12
- Kill: 12

IPB ImageVeteran Dragoon: 90 Food & 90 Coin
° Role
- Anti-Cavalry
° Stats
· Age Available: Fortress
· Hitpoints: 240
· Pop. Use: 2
· Pop. Limit: Unlimited
· Resists: -30% Ranged Damage
· Speed: 7.25
° Attacks
- Range: 24 Damage, Range 12, 3x Damage bonus vs. Cavalry, .5x Damage bonus vs. Settlers
- Hand: 12 Hand Damage, 3x Damage bonus vs. Cavalry
- Siege: 10 Siege Damage, Range 6
· Modes: Stagger, Melee, Defend
° Experience
- Build: 18
- Kill: 18

IPB ImageOrgan Gun: 100 Wood & 300 Coin
° Role
- Anti-Infantry
° Stats
· Age Available: Fortress
· Hitpoints: 150
· Pop. Use: 4
· Pop. Limit: Unlimited
· Resists: -75% Ranged Damage
· Speed: Limber 4, Bombard 1.6
° Attack
- Bombard: 30 Siege Damage, Range 24, Area 2, .5x Damage bonus vs. Artillery, .5x Damage bonus vs. Ships, .5x Damage bonus vs Cavalry, & .5x Damage bonus vs Buildings
· Modes: Limber & Bombard
° Experience
- Build: 40
- Kill: 40

Prepare your deck

For Tier1 (Discovery), you need:

300 Food IPB Image or Furrier IPB Image

For Tier2 (Colonial), you need either or, but having more Gold offers a faster Fortress:

600 Gold IPB Image or 700 Gold IPB Image

Simple, right? All you need is to play 2 cards and you're off to Fortress mode!

Once you're there, your land deck should look 'something' like this:

IPB Image

Your Water Deck should look something like this:

IPB Image

Keep in mind that Water Decks don't need a SUPER fast rush to Fortress.. I'd much rather play my 300 Wood card to offer me better diversity. Example: Building a dock, making a trading post.. etc.

The Build Order

1) Start the game by sending all your peons on your food crates so you can quickly afford a fast peon. Get 100 food, build a peon, pull all your guys off the crates and put them on hunts.

2) Keep pumping peons but don't forget to build a house so you can keep producing.

3) First card shipment: 300 food OR Furrier. Get to 12/20 peons and get the crates for the fast 800 Colonial w/o slowing down b/c of extra peons. Go up with the 500 food politician. Keep all peons on food untill you hit 700-800 food. IF you choose to go with the Furrier card, don't bother with crates.

4) Hit Age2, send the card for 700 Gold (need this card) and every peon on Gold. Put your extra TC next to your base to give yourself extra cover and put 2 peons on the 500 Food crates.

5) You should now have 1200 food and your 700 Gold shipment in front of you with ~300 Gold farmed. Grab the 700 Gold ASAP and hit your button for Age3.

6) Go up with the Marksman (6 Cassadors) if your opponent is massing Muskets/Jannisaries, go up with Fast Age if your opponents going Hussars so you can ship fast goons. Keep in mind that you are still doing stuff - like hunting, mining, or chopping wood. You also have a second TC where you can keep making peons from as long as you have food.

7) You're now in Fortress Age, send your first card for any counter-unit you want: Cassadors, Dragoons, Organ guns..etc.

Portugal has one of the fastest techs to Age3 and it's also one of the safest. The extra TC gives Portugal very good cover and you're free to farm resources closes to you with TCs to run into.

This strat can be extremely dangerous vs those massing Infantry like Muskets/Strelets/Jannisaries. It could also stop Hussar harrassment pretty nicely with the fast age3 counter-goons.

Other Strats that branch from this:

1) When going up to Age3, you have time to waste, so put all your peons on Gold for fast Ronin. Ronin have 550 HP, uber aoe dmg and have 120 siege dmg. To me: 120 siege dmg means, go into your opponents town and drop as many houses as possible. That slows them down A LOT.

2) On water maps, go FF and send the card for Frigate. A heavy warship on the shores of your enemy can rock his fishing lines with little or no opposition for a long time.

3) You could also go for Barbary Corsairs as your Merc choice because they rock Hussars + Muskets.

4) Possibilities are near endless as long as your Tier3 cards are up to par. ALL 1000 Econ crates are recommended for diversity/adaptation. For example: 1000 Food can go to Musket/Hussar production, 1000 Wood can go for Xbow spamming, 1000 Gold can go to the production of Halbrediers/Cassadors and possible Mercenaries.

I have several replays below demostrating this FF Strategy. The first batch on LAND and second batch on WATER. Keep in mind that your decks should be altered and specifically prepared for each scenario.

Posts: 18,047

Clan: EPIC

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 2HERO Nov 6 2005, 17:22 PM
Replays fought on Land.

Attached File(s)
Attached File HERO_FF_Britian.zip
Size: 305.17k
Size (unzipped): 329.38k
Number of downloads: 2211
Player Name Side Team
grush 0

Posts: 18,047

Clan: EPIC

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 3HERO Nov 6 2005, 17:24 PM
Replays fought on Water.

Attached File(s)
Attached File HERO_FF_water2.zip
Size: 262.75k
Size (unzipped): 275.24k
Number of downloads: 497
Player Name Side Team
Shippo 0
Attached File HERO_FF_water.zip
Size: 295.09k
Size (unzipped): 309.62k
Number of downloads: 681
Player Name Side Team
Live4Sun 0

Posts: 18,047

Clan: EPIC

Game: Dawn of War 2


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