Thanks to Raziel for making the new patch switcher. Blame him if it doesn't work. Thanks to Ana for the new splash screen image. It's pro. Thanks.
I'll let Maddox handle the grand words about the future and the community and so forth. But I can tell you that as long as there is a community playing this game, we will continue making new releases.
Changes from version 2.5 *-Warchant recharge time now 2min 30s (from 3min) *-Balrog Ignite recharge now 60s (10s) and duration 40s (30) *-Bombadil now has Resilient hero armor (Tough) *-Summoned dragon health now 28000 (20000)
MotW *-Theoden build time now 40s (55s). Glorious Charge recharge now 4min 30s (4min) *-Faramir mount/dismount times now 1s (2s). Mounted speed now 90 (80) *-Tower Guard speed now 40 (37) *-Lone tower now provides the same healing/LD as fort Banners/House of Healing if you have purchased them. Purchasing Numenor Stonework for the fortress also upgrades the Lone Towers. *-Fortress Banners now provides standard +50% damage leadership
Elves *-LW experience requirements for levels now 1/50/125/200/275 (1/75/150/225/300) *-Eagle summon duration now 1min 20s (1m 10s). Now deals 20% less damage against forts *-Legolas build time now 50s (60s) *-Treebeard siege armor now 33% (from 100%) *-Mirkwood Archers banners hotkey now C (from N)
Dwarves *-Battlewagon Men of Dale range now 400 (from 480) *-Lonetower now provides the same healing/LD as fort Banners/Siege Kegs if you have purchased them. Purchasing Stone Work for the fortress also upgrades the Lone Towers. *-Dwarven archery range lvl2 upgrade time now 20s (from 30s) *-Fortress Banners now provides standard +50% damage leadership
Mordor *-Horde bonus now requires 70 individual units (60) *-Haradrim archer rate of fire now 1.4s (1.7s) *-Haradrim archer Black arrows can now be multiselected
Isengard *-Warg rider poison armor now 110/75% (130/75%), cavalry ranged armor now 135/75% (150/75%) *-Wormtongue's Venomous Words now obtained at lvl1 (lvl2), base damage now 130 (100) *-Saruman Fireball recharge time now 66s (60s). Now deals 50% more damage against Drogoth and Eagles *-Uruk warrior CP cost now 60 (70)
Goblins *-Spiderling base damage now 42 (50). Bonus against cavalry now +30% (+10%) *-Summoned spiderlings now collect resources on kills
Bugs *-Men statue now uses an armorset *-Hobbit commandpoint not adding up fixed
Sad news indeed. Having been one of the proudest and most active members of the community along all these years, I have to say BfME is and will always be a reference for me. A reference in quality and innovation in its first incarnation, a professional reference for my own life, since my first professional jobs were contracted and developed specifically for this amazing game series.
If you do allow me a single message for this marvelous community, undoubtedly the best ever in, that's it:
It's neither EA nor the servers that made these games, YOU made it! That has no precedent in the history, and we have to thank EALA (or what it used to be) and the great Aaron Kaufman for the amazing ride. You made each release of the series better than the creators ever envisioned it could be, having worked with many of them you got my word for that. You made BfME1, 2 and even RotWk better and more balanced than even I, as daring and self-confident as I am, hoped it could ever become.
Do NOT let this die. Please! There will always be newer and "fancier" games, but trust me, the great ones are hard to come by - especially one(s) which you and so many great players helped shaping up.
GameReplays is my home, your home, make sure it'll always be. On our side, we'll work so that whatever you guys decide to be the best alternative way to play the BfME games, it's widely known. For the record, the very first game I've modded for, TA:Kingdoms, is still played on alternative servers, some ten years after I've release it! I hope and believe that in 4, 5 years I WILL proudly say the same about the BfME game series. It's all up to you, and I trust this community as I always did, like a comfy place where, no matter where life drives me to, I can always return to and feel welcomed.
Unite and raise your spirits like the proud family which we've grown to be guys, this can be only the beginning!
This post has been edited by Rainmaker: Dec 17 2010, 15:32 PM
The new patch switcher supports changing to any previously installed BTP version as well as having a function to search for a new release.
Basically it searches for .bac files from your BFME2 main folder. These are the ones that are created upon updating to new release. So if your method of changing a patch is to drag the previous install away from there, this will not work for you.
Any further question can be directed at Raz who provided this neat program for us Thanks!
I wanna say that I am proud. Not for helping with this or for seeing my name mentioned here, but for this community for holding to this game, for making efforts to keep improving the game we love so much even when EA announces they're shutting down the servers. Lets show them how much good BFME2 can be by playing this awesome new patch!
I'll here to help BT2DC whenever its needed!
And this deserves a
PS: Yes. Blame me when the switcher totally brakes up your system!!! jk!! xD
I have a problem "This file contains invalid data "....
Can you tell at which point? Trying to start the installer, installing, post-install command line, running the game? I'd still suggest redownloading the file. I will also try to come up with a mirror site in case of... anything.
QUOTE(Private Agent A. Mahone @ Dec 17 2010, 23:33 PM)
It has awesome lags, nice everyone Can you fix it though?
Usually "This file contains invalid data" means the installer was corrupted while you were downloading it, so redownloading will fix the problem.
If it occurs after redownloading it, then there's a chance that the online file has been corrupted... but it's much more likely that there's a problem with your Internet service that's making it difficult for you to download ANYTHING properly. But 99% of the time, it's not going to occur after you redownload.
Damul and I couldn't play each other because of the high zoom level. He has an older computer, so he's not going to be able to play BT2DC at all unless you release an unzoomed version.
My own computer's not up to the higher zoom, either.
WTF are you playing on The game was released 4 years ago and you still can't run it I suggest you politely write to Santa asking for a new graphics card.
Aww fuck it. I'll make it tomorrow if the sun shines bright.
This post has been edited by Rainmaker: Dec 17 2010, 21:10 PM
I wanna say that I am proud. Not for helping with this or for seeing my name mentioned here, but for this community for holding to this game, for making efforts to keep improving the game we love so much even when EA announces they're shutting down the servers. Lets show them how much good BFME2 can be by playing this awesome new patch!
I'll here to help BT2DC whenever its needed!
And this deserves a
PS: Yes. Blame me when the switcher totally brakes up your system!!! jk!! xD
WTF are you playing on The game was released 4 years ago and you still can't run it I suggest you politely write to Santa asking for a new graphics card.
Aww fuck it. I'll make it tomorrow if the sun shines bright.
Thank you.
I can run it at the normal zoom on Medium graphics and insanehigh 4:3 resolution just fine, or 360 zoom and kindahigh widescreen resolution. I'm not sure if I could do 360 on a 4:3 resolution. Almost certainly going to have lag with whatever it is you included in this patch (it's super high!), though I think most of it in this game was my opponent's fault.
Thanks to Ana for the new splash screen image. It's pro. Thanks.
I'll let Maddox handle the grand words about the future and the community and so forth. But I can tell you that as long as there is a community playing this game,
we will continue making new releases.
Changes from version 2.5
*-Warchant recharge time now 2min 30s (from 3min)
*-Balrog Ignite recharge now 60s (10s) and duration 40s (30)
*-Bombadil now has Resilient hero armor (Tough)
*-Summoned dragon health now 28000 (20000)
*-Theoden build time now 40s (55s). Glorious Charge recharge now 4min 30s (4min)
*-Faramir mount/dismount times now 1s (2s). Mounted speed now 90 (80)
*-Tower Guard speed now 40 (37)
*-Lone tower now provides the same healing/LD as fort Banners/House of Healing if you have purchased them. Purchasing Numenor Stonework for the fortress also upgrades the Lone Towers.
*-Fortress Banners now provides standard +50% damage leadership
*-LW experience requirements for levels now 1/50/125/200/275 (1/75/150/225/300)
*-Eagle summon duration now 1min 20s (1m 10s). Now deals 20% less damage against forts
*-Legolas build time now 50s (60s)
*-Treebeard siege armor now 33% (from 100%)
*-Mirkwood Archers banners hotkey now C (from N)
*-Battlewagon Men of Dale range now 400 (from 480)
*-Lonetower now provides the same healing/LD as fort Banners/Siege Kegs if you have purchased them. Purchasing Stone Work for the fortress also upgrades the Lone Towers.
*-Dwarven archery range lvl2 upgrade time now 20s (from 30s)
*-Fortress Banners now provides standard +50% damage leadership
*-Horde bonus now requires 70 individual units (60)
*-Haradrim archer rate of fire now 1.4s (1.7s)
*-Haradrim archer Black arrows can now be multiselected
*-Warg rider poison armor now 110/75% (130/75%), cavalry ranged armor now 135/75% (150/75%)
*-Wormtongue's Venomous Words now obtained at lvl1 (lvl2), base damage now 130 (100)
*-Saruman Fireball recharge time now 66s (60s). Now deals 50% more damage against Drogoth and Eagles
*-Uruk warrior CP cost now 60 (70)
*-Spiderling base damage now 42 (50). Bonus against cavalry now +30% (+10%)
*-Summoned spiderlings now collect resources on kills
*-Men statue now uses an armorset
*-Hobbit commandpoint not adding up fixed
BT2:DC v2.6 (Regular)
This post has been edited by Forlong: Apr 13 2011, 23:00 PM
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