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Generals 2

Generals 2 Canceled for the Moment

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# 121cnc315d34d Oct 30 2013, 01:33 AM
not just ccg/zh, but i hope it brings attention to ALL cnc games, because they all deserve some love

Posts: 9,633

Game: Kanes Wrath

# 122AwfuL Oct 30 2013, 01:37 AM
It's probably just internal EA politics/budget issues as AGM suggested

Also servers can work just fine for RTS, just look at Dota 2 where basically everything is done server side. Although I suppose setting up servers all around the world was worth it for Valve with how big that game was guaranteed to get. C&C was risky shit in comparison.

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Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 123smiggy Oct 30 2013, 01:51 AM
well I thought it was good and could only get better as im not a hard core c&c fan to me it was a fun new casual rts....haven't played other c&cs online much and don't think ill start now....I didn't even get to do my write up sad.gif about perks not making much of a difference as I was testing with a second acc with no perks activated......back to sc2 I suppose....

Posts: 17

# 124WonderWall Oct 30 2013, 01:54 AM
Seriously, I didn't put much faith when I hear about Generals 2. I just couldn't see how a RTS franchise would be financially successful as a f2p. Kind expected for me. Sad to hear that

btw, I took a look on the live event. Man, what a shit work, that looks more like a tiberium alliance design on Ra3 engine. Thank God it didn't work.

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Game: Red Alert 3

# 125ArchonHawk Oct 30 2013, 02:07 AM
Well this just totally sucks post-13661-1143531603.gif , I mean the fact that they cancelled it probably isn't that bad given how much EA were railroading the project, I think it needed much more work and time than the developers were given. As for negative feedback being the cause that's ridiculous, the feedback was just trying to make the new C&C game, a C&C game. Hopefully something good can come out of this and the delay will make for a great game, I'm sure PwnageMachine will be along shortly to give some better analysis

Posts: 24

Clan: Casters & Co.

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 126-LikeMike- Oct 30 2013, 03:33 AM
This caught me completely blind sided. I knew that they were having troubles after revealing what was a sc2 clone but no way did i think that they would shut it down.

Really disappointed

Posts: 2,737

Game: Generals 2

# 127Feynmaniac Oct 30 2013, 04:22 AM
Between this dying and CoH2 sucking, the RTS genre has been really kicked in the nuts lately.

Our last hope is that game being worked on by Day[9] I guess, or picking up SC2.

SC2 isn't a terrible game I suppose, but it doesn't pull the right heart strings, sadly.

Posts: 1,694

Game: Grey Goo

# 128vb4 Oct 30 2013, 06:55 AM
I feel like I'm stuck in an eternal loop of agony as an RTS gamer.
Starcraft is the kind of game that I definitely do not want invest time into mastering. It's also boring as balls to watch.
It's still Generals, RA3 and SupCom for me. Especially the former two. Nothing else is really worthwhile.

Maybe they should remake Generals with a new engine and then add an expansion pack. I would totally pay for that.

Posts: 1,637

Game: Universe at War

# 129Maze. Oct 30 2013, 07:51 AM
So first it was C&C arena, then it was generals 2, and if you start thinking like EA, next in line would be red alert 4. I better save this comment so that when they randomly announce it out of nowhere I'll be all like I FUCKING CALLED IT!

I've seen through EA's mater plan on; 'how to ruin your reputation in every single C&C universe' already. You were warned.

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# 130Svizcy Oct 30 2013, 08:29 AM
Second time it got cancelled...

I wish they would have cancelled cnc4 in past...now it seems they are just overcaotious with this, ppl will always bash game, sc2 is being bashed a lot also, but they keep doing their work.
They should have same policy about this....

good day, svizcy

Posts: 741

Game: Generals 2

# 131basic123 Oct 30 2013, 08:52 AM
I'm really surprised about this. But to be honest, I'm not even sad. The Alpha gameplay looked nothing like Generals or ZH. Also F2P is not the right way to go.

Posts: 198

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 132Xionox Oct 30 2013, 09:11 AM
All post regarding the cancellation has been cleaned up for some reason.... I think there will be a part 2...

This post has been edited by Xionox: Oct 30 2013, 09:15 AM

Posts: 345

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 133JCDoo7 Oct 30 2013, 10:25 AM
Wtf was that? blink.gif

On a positive note, may be we will see a good successor to Tiberium Wars/Kane's Wrath one day...

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# 134-DoMiNaToR- Oct 30 2013, 10:40 AM
QUOTE(vb4 @ Oct 30 2013, 06:55 AM) *

I feel like I'm stuck in an eternal loop of agony as an RTS gamer.
Starcraft is the kind of game that I definitely do not want invest time into mastering. It's also boring as balls to watch.
It's still Generals, RA3 and SupCom for me. Especially the former two. Nothing else is really worthwhile.

Maybe they should remake Generals with a new engine and then add an expansion pack. I would totally pay for that.

Posts: 13,836

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 135-Netput Oct 30 2013, 10:40 AM
QUOTE(Xionox @ Oct 30 2013, 11:11 AM) *

All post regarding the cancellation has been cleaned up for some reason.... I think there will be a part 2...

dev posts you mean? I haven't seen any at all expect this one from EA_Baelor:
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that it has been a pleasure working on this game and I hope you all have enjoyed the closed alpha!

This isn't official or anything, but you probably saw that our whole team got the ax. I hope you understand that we at VG all were dedicated to making a game for all of you to play, and that the press release line was total b.s. It was NOT any feedback from the alpha that shut this project down but just petty corporate politics and shenanigans.

We were all shocked and confused to find out that our studio is closed (and that we are all out of jobs!), but I am happy to see that the game is still up and running RIGHT NOW and that a lot of people are still having fun with it. Please enjoy the live game until they figure out how to turn off the servers (it might be a while)!


Link for the people with alpha forum access

Posts: 23,977

Clan: Prisoners Of War

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 136Xionox Oct 30 2013, 10:49 AM
My bad I think it was just the General Discussion.

Posts: 345

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 137cnc315d34d Oct 30 2013, 10:59 AM
i think its fairly clear what happened now

ill just quote myself from another thread
QUOTE(cnc315d34d @ Oct 30 2013, 11:55 AM) *

the game didnt fail exactly because of gameplay or whatever, it failed because
1) development was too slow, mostly due to the enormous challenges of the new FB2 engine
2) the F2P system didnt work as the EA bosses would have liked
3) some of the biggest supporters of cnc among the EA execs had resigned or moved to other positions (as AGM mentioned in his post), leaving the game vulnerable to cancellation

the reason they rushed out like 99999 generals so early was because they were hoping people would splurge cash on them, but obviously the game was in a shit state so noone wanted to spend money on it yet

for everyone, the game was an incomplete alpha not worth spending on
for EA bosses, the game was a 3 year old investment pit hole draining corporate cash with no profitability

so they axed it
given enough time, they could have transformed the game into a real sequel to gens1.... but unfortunately EA wasnt happy with the team's progress

btw its the same story as Tiberium - EA bosses go into damage control mode when they lack confidence in a project...

they wouldnt bat an eyelid to concerns about the resources/effort already invested over 2-3 years, they just shut it down and attempt to recoup some of the costs by forcing another studio to churn out their next piece of highly publicised crap

This post has been edited by cnc315d34d: Oct 30 2013, 11:09 AM

Posts: 9,633

Game: Kanes Wrath

# 138DMraider Oct 30 2013, 11:05 AM
So really cancelled...

So much wasted money, can't they just put some extra people on it?

I guess it is hard to make a good RTS but when they do they will really make alot of money!

Posts: 5,878

Game: CNC Zero Hour

# 139DalzK Oct 30 2013, 11:22 AM
I want a Generals 2 sequel just as much as everyone here but..

There was no way this game was going to be successful. Even if it had the best gameplay in the world, the f2p model simply doesn't work with RTS games. It has literally never be done successfully before, and every time it has been attempted its been an absolute failure.

10+ Generals, Levelling, Perks....that's just ridiculous and impossible to balance straight off the bat. In a way its better they didn't waste anymore time and effort on it.

Nevertheless I am very sorry for the Development team, this must really be devastating and it sucks to have all that hard work wasted.

Posts: 4,019

Game: Grey Goo

# 140-Chemical- Oct 30 2013, 11:24 AM
QUOTE(Mant@tza @ Oct 29 2013, 19:09 PM) *

Your feedback from the alpha trial is clear: We are not making the game you want to play.

What was the feedback the alpha players provided? What kind of game these players want to play?

Posts: 7,922

Game: CNC Generals


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