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Company of Heroes

US vs Mixed Axis Duclair (Panther & 88 Spam)

#1IfRainIsWhatYouWant  Nov 13 2018, 16:52 PM -
Replays: 5
In this match I faced two mixed axis players on Duclair. We were double US and Pos. 138 (me) and 64 (Smiler). PE was 130 and WE was 102.

Replay Spoiler:
We faced 5 88s, 19 (!) Panthers (8 Battlegroups + 1 WE)! Was a very rough game.

Points in the end: Me 64657, Smiler 62397 vs PE 53046, WE 48620
Time: 1:18:04

Hope anyone enjoys the replay or can give me some hints.
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