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Company of Heroes

just watch

#1General_Cheeze  Oct 24 2021, 03:51 AM -
Replays: 53
1h 15min slugfest - Blitz/Scorched Earth vs Armor/arty with total of about 70 dead tanks, pretty sick game

#2VillageMagician  Oct 25 2021, 04:49 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
wub, easily. Gg god damn. funny how two of them were constantly just talking and joking whole time I would have been sweating bullets lol.
#3Kaput12  Oct 26 2021, 00:40 AM -
Replays: 27
Brits late game sucks so badly when going arty. Brutal Hummel literally died to hummels, there was a sector arty on center ammo that killed more than half of his units... It was a gg after that he never recover from it... GG wub!
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