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Company of Heroes

Good game between lvl 10 WM and lvl 14 US

#1LeonOfich  Jun 24 2015, 16:06 PM -
Replays: 61
It was not easy with the amount of mines he laid down and the infantry force he had.

However, a lucky rocket barrage turned the tide for me.
#2GiveMeLvlUp  Jun 24 2015, 17:08 PM -
Replays: 28
Do you differ 2v2 and 1v1 lvls??? He is 10lv 1v1.. GG
#3LeonOfich  Jun 25 2015, 00:08 AM -
Replays: 61
Well, yeah, I rarely play 2v2. And btw, I'm the level 10 guy. He's level 14.
#4GiveMeLvlUp  Jun 25 2015, 04:15 AM -
Replays: 28
Well, yeah, I rarely play 2v2. And btw, I'm the level 10 guy. He's level 14.

this game 1v1 You are 10 lv wm and he is 10 lv usa (1v1) . So it's the game between 10 and 10
#5LeonOfich  Jun 25 2015, 08:06 AM -
Replays: 61
Ah I see know. You're right! I normally just right click the name in "recently played" to watch the stats and assumed it was for 1v1.
#6GiveMeLvlUp  Jun 25 2015, 17:48 PM -
Replays: 28
Ah I see know. You're right! I normally just right click the name in "recently played" to watch the stats and assumed it was for 1v1.

#7DickPound  Jun 25 2015, 18:58 PM -
Replays: 33 Game:
He is lvl 14 barcounter....
#8djw2104  Jun 25 2015, 21:27 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
Good old fashioned vanilla match-up. I enjoyed watching this game very much, thanks for uploading.

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