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Company of Heroes

The trick and headache of booby traps

#1Th3Gu1tarPl4yer  Mar 28 2011, 15:56 PM -
Replays: 46 Game:
I don't seem to find the way to dodge booby traps, when it triggers and i hear the sound it's too late, i have to locate the point since i might be capping more than one point around and thats it, squad gone (or almost gone). sad.gif
I guess i should send the squad next to the point and take the time and work of being really alert when i'm sending it to cap. That means perhaps no queued cap lines once the ability is deployed.
#2Decepticus  Mar 28 2011, 19:19 PM -
Hitting space bar will get you to the last action and therefore help you move/retreat the capping squad whenever you hear a booby trap triggering.
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