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Company of Heroes

Against non-stop PE BS, 20 vp's left

#1Woggie  Sep 17 2011, 22:34 PM -
Replays: 41 Game:
I lost two snipers foolishly to an armored car, we dropped to 20 victory points and at one point they had about 5-6 panthers on the field at once... Comeback! Great game, just a shame we get called cheaters afterwards.
#2JediAlaska  Sep 18 2011, 03:27 AM -
Replays: 27 Game:
Well done... m10's and allied war machine rock. It is a shame the foul mouthed player had to exit that way.

#3Falls  Sep 19 2011, 03:16 AM -
Replays: 36 Game:
Well done to my boys from DFA.

#4ScottNL  Sep 19 2011, 12:50 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Well done. Map hack is a pretty easy accusation to make. If you anticipate what your enemy is doing it's a auto map hack.

GG and deserves a wub
#5SavageNation  Sep 20 2011, 13:24 PM -
Replays: 9 Game:
GG m8s
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