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Company of Heroes

hack Vs Budwise and D3ADSHOT, is it normal ?

#1bulatcr  Jan 5 2014, 19:57 PM -
Replays: 37 Game:
they said about hack...
watch and tell me is it normal
I can play with stream if you guys want it(vs you ofc)
#2DickPound  Jan 5 2014, 23:17 PM -
Replays: 33 Game:
Bud sux, he just needs to blame it on something.
#3Budwise  Jan 6 2014, 00:30 AM -
Hey Dick, BlueTrane told me about the time you maphacked some games and told him after. Just sayin...

As for bulatcr, he artied and chased cloaked paks around the field, artied stukas in the fow that were all by themselves without firing, and other things. COH is dead so its all for funsies but still hacking is lame.
#4bulatcr  Jan 6 2014, 07:29 AM -
Replays: 37 Game:
Hey Dick, BlueTrane told me about the time you maphacked some games and told him after. Just sayin...

As for bulatcr, he artied and chased cloaked paks around the field, artied stukas in the fow that were all by themselves without firing, and other things. COH is dead so its all for funsies but still hacking is lame.

I artied places, where troops are usually on this map.
OK, i will stream every game.
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